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Institute of Preventive Health details

- Address: Sifa House- Kibuye, 1st floor,
Mission Road off Jomo Kenyatta highway,
P. O. Box 1142-40100,
- Location: Kisumu
- Telephone Number: 0722870222, +254-711612550
- Telephone Number 2: +254-57 2501765
- Email Address:
- College Website:
- Category: Counselling
About Institute of Preventive Health
Institute of Preventive Health limited was incorporated under the companies Act (cap.486) at Nairobi in the 19th day of March, 2010 in accordance to the Kenyan laws with five directors and has a team of trained and experienced facilitators. IPH started its operations in February 2010 and is committed to improving the health standards of Kenyans. IPH is particularly focused in children’s well being through promoting and providing capacity building and other support services to children and service providers to children, individuals, families, and communities, governmental and non-governmental agencies in the inadequacies/needs on mental health, health care, public health, social health and education. It is therefore, classified in training, mentoring, supervision, research and programming.
IPH embedded the core values of innovation, transparency, integratity, teamwork, quality, efficiency and partnership/collaboration that play a critical role in fulfilling the institutions, mission and philosophy.
In HIV/AIDS trainings, IPH is partners with Ministry of Health's National AIDS and STI Control Program to deliver on technical issues and training on HIV/AIDS since 2010.
Courses offered at Institute of Preventive Health
Why Join Institute of Preventive Health
- All who want to acquire counseling training skills and other HIV Service Skills can train with us. We also have accredited trainers by other international bodies.
- We have competencies it Behavioral Prevention Interventions by use of Stepping Stones Methodologies, Understanding and challenging Stigma, Teaching Self Government Skills among others.
Schools and departments
- Counseling and Mentorship Department
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