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Karumo Technical Training Institute details

- Address: P.O BOX 276-60602
- Location: Meru
- Telephone Number: 0705 636 443
- Email Address:
- College Website:
- Category: Technical Training
About Karumo Technical Training Institute
Karumo Technical Training Institute is located in Kuani Sub-Location, Athwana Location, of Tigania West, Meru County. The Institute is 27 kilometers from Meru town along Meru - Maua road 3KM off Kwa-Amos junction - Isiolo road. The Institute has a serene environment away from hassle and bustle with land of 25 acres with the Nyambene hills to the north and the upcoming resort city in Isiolo County to the east. The Institute is endowed with laboratories and workshops which are equipped with the most modern equipment and staff that is highly trained and experienced in their specific areas of specialization.
Adequate electrical power supply is available connected to the grid on three phase transformer (located within the Institute), A drilled borehole on EwasoNgiro catchment is the source of water tested by Water Resource Management Authority and is chemically suitable for drinking and other domestic purposes.
The Institute is the brainchild of the leaders of Meru County led by Dr. Kilemi Mwiria, with a vision to set up an institution that would promote the advancement of education and development. The leadership expect the Institute to play a significant role in education of youths, contributing in creation of employment in both the public and private sector spurring development in the region and beyond.
Karumo TTI is under the Ministry of Education in the State Department of Vocational and Technical Training established with the objective of promoting access, equity, and quality in technical education to ensure adequate human capital for the 3 pillars (economic, social and political development) in Kenya vision 2030.
Its pioneer Board of Governors (BoG) chaired by Dr. Sarah M. Kilemi, foresees a low cost institution that will be a point of reference for excellence in training high skilled human resource with the right skills and attitude for the emerging need of the industry.
The Institute is accredited, registered and licensed by TVETA to offer courses in compliance with section 17 of TVET Act, 2013. Trainees joining the institute are eligible for HELB loans and bursaries.
The courses currently being offered are designed to ensure that the graduates are Innovative and self driven. Students are also encouraged to participate in co-curricular activities. The institute participated in sporting activities organized by the Kenya Technical Training Institutes Sports Organization (KETTISO) during the year . Our students went up to the national level in both athletics and ball games held in Nakuru and Mombasa respectively.
Karumo Technical Training Institute is the place to be.
Apply now and you will excel with the excellent.
Courses offered at Karumo Technical Training Institute
Why Join Karumo Technical Training Institute
- Adequate electrical power supply is available and the Institute is connected to the grid on three phase transformer (located within the Institute).
- A drilled borehole on Ewaso Ngiro catchment is the source of water tested by Water Resource Management Authority and is chemically suitable for drinking and other domestic purposes.
- The institution is among the most recognized technical institutions in the country.
- The college produces all-round students since co-curriculum activities are available.
- Modern and well equipped workshop facilities are available.
- High quality and relevant training offered.
- The lecturers are highly trained and experienced in their respective fields.
Schools and departments
- Engineering
- Information and Communication Technology
- Business
Infrastructure and Facilities
- Conference facilities.
- Engineering workshops.
- Modern library fully equipped with books and reference material as well as e-learning services.
- ICT computer laboratory.
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