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Colleges in Kenya

Search for colleges offering various certificate, diploma, degree, bridging, distance learning as well as postgraduate courses in Kenya. This section also lists colleges affiliated to universities in Kenya. To search for a college of your choice, simply type the name and click search button. Once your preferred choice is highlighted, navigate to to details page where all information related to the institution will be accessible.

College Categories

Accounts and Accountancy | Aviation | Arts and Design | Health and Beauty | Commerce and Business | Computer Training and IT | Counselling | Cooperative Management | Distance Education | Driving Schools | Engineering | Hotel Management | Insurance | Language | Law Colleges | Mass Media | Medical Training | Nursing | Polytechnics | Secretarial | Sociology | Teacher Training | Technical Training | TeflTesl | Theology & Bible Schools | Tourism | University Colleges | Vocational Training | Information Technology Colleges | Hospitality | Music | Test Preparation | Hairdressing | Banking | Bible | Agriculture

Outsource Integrated Education Centre, Mombasa
041-011721, 0727-467293, 0721-212610
Muslim Education Welfare Association, Mombasa
020-2026134, 0722-819795
Mombasa College of Tourism and Business Studies, Mombasa
0713-722842, 0731-677719
Kisauni Youth Polytechnic, Mombasa
0724 356 672
Kenya Institute of Professional Counselling-Mombasa, Mombasa
020-2191152, 0723-647768
Kenya Association of Professional Counsellors, Mombasa
041-2493050, 0725-7978888
Pwani Vocational Centre, Mombasa
0722-606973, 0705-111537
Institute of Community Development, Mombasa, Mombasa
0722-606973, 0705-111537
Institute of Advanced Technology Mombasa, Mombasa
041-2224610, 2225047
Institute of Advanced Datalink, Mombasa
020-8024325, 0720-333436
Coast School of Accountancy, Mombasa
041-2226643, 0722-434982
Coast School of Cultural Arts and Sciences, Mombasa
0723-976988, 0731-357020
Coast Aviation Training Institute, Mombasa
020-2647579, 0721-383982
Christian Industrial Training Centre Mombasa, Mombasa
+254 718 393 125
The Bush Tuition School, Mombasa
Mombasa Airways Training Institute M.A.T.I, Mombasa
Institute of Cabin Crew Training, Mombasa
020-2343666, 0728-888949
Migori Bible Training Centre, Suna
059-20011, 0722-362610, 0725-943139
Elevate Commercial College, Suna

Rift Valley Institute of Business Studies

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