Colleges and Universities Offering Diploma in Social Work and Community Development(Social Work and Community Development) in Kenya

  • Course Name: Diploma in Social Work and Community Development(Social Work and Community Development)
  • Major Subject: Social Work and Community Development
  • Course Category: Diploma
  • Average Study Duration: 3 years

Colleges Offering Diploma in Social Work and Community Development(Social Work and Community Development)

  • Kenyaplex Institute of Technology Kenyaplex Institute of Technology, Mwala   Apply Now
    Examination Body: KNEC

    Minimum Course Entry Grade: KCSE mean grade of C-

    For more information, contact us via 0725829194

  • Greenwich College Greenwich College, Garissa  
    Exam Body: KNEC

    Duration: 21 months

    Minimum Entry Qualification: O level certificate plus Aptitude test

    Course Units:
    1. Module I
    -Social Work
    -Introduction to Community Development
    -Community Based Organization
    -Communication Skills
    -Development Economics
    -Entrepreneurship Education
    -Community Capacity Building & Empowerment
    -Information Technology

    2. Module II
    -Resource Mobilization & Fundraising
    -Project Management
    -Advocacy & Lobbying
    -HIV/AIDS & Other Pandemics
    -Legal Aspects in Social Work
    -Resource Management

    3. Module III A Social Work
    -Social Psychology & Human Development
    -Introduction to Counselling Psychology
    -Social Rehabilitation & Reintegration
    -Disaster Management
    -Social Policy & Management
    -Social Research Project

    4. Module III Part B Community Development
    -Transforming & Social Marketing
    -Community Development Methodologies
    -Management of Community Concerns
    -Gender & Development
    -Social Research Project
    -Community Leadership
  • Nairobi Institute of Business Studies Nairobi Institute of Business Studies, Nairobi  
    Course Study Duration : 1 year per Module
    Minimum Course Entry requirement : C – and above
    Examination Body: KNEC

    Course Outline

    1. Module I
    - Social Work
    - Introduction to Community Development
    - Community Based Organization
    - Development Economics
    - Entrepreneurship Education
    - Community Capacity Building & Empowerment
    - Communication Skills
    - ICT

    2. Module II
    - Resource Mobilization & Fundraising
    - Project Management
    - Statistics
    - Legal Aspects in Social Development Work
    - Resource Management
    - Advocacy & Lobbying
    - HIV/AIDS & other Pandemics

    3. Module III

    Part I
    - Social Psychology & Human Development
    - Introduction to Counseling Psychology
    - Disaster Management
    - Social Policy & Management
    - Social Research Project
    - Social rehabilitation & Reintegration

    Part II
    - Transforming & Social Marketing
    - Community Development Methodologies
    - Management of Community Concerns
    - Social Research Project
    - Community Leadership
    - Gender & Development
  • ICS College Mombasa Branch ICS College Mombasa Branch, Mombasa  
    Course Outline

    Module I

    Social work theory and practice
    Introduction to community development
    Development economics
    Community based organizations
    Communication skills
    Community capacity building and employment
    Information communication technology
    Life skills
    Module II

    Resource mobilization and fund raising
    Project management
    Advocacy and lobbying
    HIV and Aids and other pandemics
    Legal aspects in social development work
    Resource management
    Module III

    Part A

    Social psychology &human development
    Introduction to counseling psychology
    Social rehabilitation and reintegration
    Disaster management
    Social policy and administration
    Social research project
    Part B

    Transformation and social marketing
    Community development methodologies
    Management of community concerns
    Community leadership
    Gender and development
    Social research project

    Course Duration: 24 Months
    Exam Body: KNEC
    Grade: C- and Above
  • East Africa College of Commerce and Development Studies East Africa College of Commerce and Development Studies, Nairobi  
    Course Units:
    1. Module I
    -Social Work Theory and Practice
    -Introduction to Community Development
    -Development Economics
    -Community Bases Organization
    -Communication Skills
    -Entrepreneurship Education
    -Community Capacity Building and Empowerment
    -Information Communication Technology

    2. Module II
    -Resource Mobilization and Fundraising
    -Project management
    -Advocacy and Lobbying
    -HIV and AIDS and other Pandemics
    -Legal Aspects in Social Development Work
    -Resource Management

    3. Module III
    (a)Part I(Social Work Elective)
    -Social Psychology and Human Development
    -Introduction to Counseling Psychology
    -Disaster Management
    -Social Policy and Administration
    -Social Research Project
    (b)Part II(Community Development Elective)
    -Transformation and Social Marketing
    -Community Development Methodology
    -Management of Community Concerns
    -Community Leadership
    -Gender and Development
    -Social Research Project
  • Vihiga College of Business and Technical Training Vihiga College of Business and Technical Training, Vihiga  
    Exam Body: KNEC

    Duration: 3 modules

    Tuition Fees: Kes 20,400 Per Module

    Modules: 3

    Minimum Entry requirement: KCSE C-

    Course Units:
    -Information & Communication Technology
    -Communication Skills
    -Life Skills
    -Social Work Theory & Practice
    -Dev. Economics
    -Capacity Building & empowerment
    -Intro to Community Dev.
    -Community Based Organizations
    -Resource Mobilization & Fundraising Project
    -Project Management
    -HIV & AIDS and other pandemics
    -Legal Aspect in Social Development Work
    -Resource Management
    -Advocacy & Lobbying
  • Uwezo College Uwezo College, Wote  
    Minimum entry requirement:
    C-(minus) in KCSE or certificate in community Development

    Modules Overview:
    Social work theory and practice
    Introduction to community development
    Development Economics
    Community Based organizations
    Communication skills
    Entrepreneurship education
    Community capacity building and Empowerment
    Information Technology

    Tuition fees:
    Registration Fee: Ksh 1250 (Registration + Student ID)
    Course Fee: 15000
  • Matili Technical Training Institute Matili Technical Training Institute, Kimilili  
    1. Module I
    Intake Period: JAN/SEPT

    Duration: 3 Terms

    Minimum entry requirements:
    - KCSE C-

    Examiner: KNEC

    2. Module III
    Intake Period: JAN/MAY

    Duration: 2 Terms

    Minimum entry requirements:
    - Pass in Module II

    Examiner: KNEC
  • Kaimosi Friends University College Kaimosi Friends University College, Kaimosi  
    Course Entry Requirements: Minimum mean grade of C- (minus) in KCSE. Or KCE Division II Or KACE with at least 1 principal Pass. Or Certificate in the relevant area from MMUST or any other recognized institution.

    Duration & mode of Study: Three (3) semesters full – time.

    Tuition Fees: Ksh 25,000/= per semester
  • Ekerubo Gietai Technical Training Institute Ekerubo Gietai Technical Training Institute, Nyamira  
    Course Name: Diploma in Stores Management
    Fees Per Term: Ksh. 10,600
    Course Duration: 3 terms
    Intakes: January, May & September
    Course Entry Requirements: KCSE Mean Grade of C- or Pass in Certificate in Social Work & Community Development
    Exam Body: KNEC
  • Regional Centre for Tourism and  Foreign Languages Regional Centre for Tourism and Foreign Languages, Nairobi  
    Course units covered
    - Community Health
    - Sociology
    - Disaster Management
    - Community Based Organizations
    - Advocacy and Lobbying
    - Social Rehabilitation and Reintegration
    - Resource Mobilization and Fundraising
    - Social Research Project
  •  Kibabii University, Bungoma   
    Entry requirement
    Mean grade C (Plain) at KCSE or KCE Division III or any other relevant certificate recognized by Senate.

    Tution fee:Kshs.30,000 per semester

    Mode of study:Full Time

    Main Campus

    Bungoma Study Centre
  • Baraka Agricultural College Baraka Agricultural College, Molo  
    Duration: 3 years

    Minimum Entry requirement:
    · Completed Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KSCE) with a mean grade of C-
    · Equivalent qualification as determined by the Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC)
  • Christemberg College Christemberg College, Voi  
    Diploma in social development
    Duration:2 years

    Entry requirement:Must have passed relevant Craft
    Course or passed KCSE with Cor
    equivalent qualification
    determined by KNEC

    Fees:ksh 12000 per term
  • Kapcherop Technical and Vocational College Kapcherop Technical and Vocational College, Kapcherop  
    Course Requirements: C – (Minus) KCSE or Pass in Craft in Social work and Community Development

    Entry Period : May & September

    Examining Body: Kenya National Examination Council

    Duration: 3 Modules
  • Kisumu Institute of Community Development Training Kisumu Institute of Community Development Training, Kisumu  
    Modules: I,II,III

    Exam Body: KNEC

    Minimum Entry Requirements:
    -KCSE mean grade C- (Minus).
    -KNEC Craft Certificate for Module II.
    -KNEC Diploma II for Diploma III
  • Turkana University College Turkana University College, Lodwar  
    Entry requirements:
    KCSE C - or craft certificate in technical education from a recognised institution

    Duration :2 years

    Tution fee:Ksh 30000
  • Kenya Polytechnic University College Kenya Polytechnic University College, Nairobi  
    Admission requirements
    - A minimum of a C- in KCSE or
    - Hold a certificate in social work and community development or its equivalent
    - 2 years
  • Brighter College Brighter College, Ongata Rongai  
    Duration: 2 years

    Minimum entry requirements:
    - KCSE C-

    Tuition fees: KES 18,000 per term

    Examiner: KNEC
  •  Mawego Technical Training Institute, Oyugis  
    Modules: I,II,III

    Exam Body: KNEC

    Duration: 1 year per module

    Minimum Entry requirement: KCSE Mean Grade C– and above
  • Keiway Mining and Technology College Main Campus Keiway Mining and Technology College Main Campus, Kilifi  
    Course Duration: 18 Months (6 Terms)
    Exam: KNEC (3 Modules)
    Entry Requirements: C- (Minus) or Equivalent
    Tuition: Ksh 12,000 per Term
  • Riccatti Business College Riccatti Business College, Nairobi  
    Course Entry Requirements: Mean Grade C- Minus in K.C.S.E
    Course Duration: 2 Years.
    Exam Body: KNEC.
    Fees per term:Ksh 15000
  • Bomet College of Accountancy Bomet College of Accountancy, Bomet  
    Module I,II and III

    Exam Body: (KNEC and ICM)

    Minimum Entry requirement: KCSE C Plain

    Duration: 2 years
  • Century Park College Century Park College, Machakos  
    Exam Body: KNEC

    Duration: 3 modules (6 months for each module)

    Minimum Entry requirement: KCSE C – (Minus)
  • Weru Technical and  Vocational College Weru Technical and Vocational College, Malindi  
    Duration: 3 years

    Tuition fees: 56420/= per year

    Minimum entry requirements: KCSE C-
  • Kenya Institute of Business and Counselling Studies (KIBCO) Kenya Institute of Business and Counselling Studies (KIBCO), Nairobi  
    Exam Body: CDACC

    Duration: 2 years

    Minimum entry requirement:
    -KCSE C-(minus
  • The New Dimension College The New Dimension College, Nairobi  
    Duration:12 months
    Exam body:JP-UK
    Fees per term:Ksh 10500
    Number of terms :4
    Minimum Requirment:D+
  • Bumbe Technical Training Institute Bumbe Technical Training Institute, Funyula  
    Admission requires a minimum of KCSE C-.
    Course duration is 2 academic years.
    The course is examined by KNEC.
  • Emsos Technical Training  Institute Emsos Technical Training Institute, Eldoret  
    Course duration: 2 1/2 years

    Minimum entry requirement: KCSE C- (minus)

    Examination body: KNEC
  • Presbyterian Teachers College Rubate Presbyterian Teachers College Rubate, Chuka  
    Examiner: KNEC

    Tuition Fees: Kshs. 28,000

    Minimum Entry Requirement: KCSE C-(Minus) and above

Universities Offering Diploma in Social Work and Community Development(Social Work and Community Development)

  • Africa Nazarene University Africa Nazarene University, Nairobi  
    The following are some of the units covered:
    (i) Monitoring and Evaluation of community projects.

    (ii) Entrepreneurship and Community Development.

    (iii) Human Resource Management.

    (iv) Principles of management.

    (v) Introduction to Community Development.

    (vi) Community Mobilization in Development.

    Applicants holding any of the qualifications below shall be admitted:
    (i) A mean grade of C- at KCSE OR

    (ii) Three credits in IGCSE OR

    (iii) A certificate from The Africa Nazarene University with a minimum GPA of 2.3.

    Course duration.
    Four trimesters( One year and four months)
  • Gretsa University School of Education and Social Sciences Gretsa University School of Education and Social Sciences, Thika  
    Social work and community and development
    is a specialty concerned with the general
    well-being of people in their setting.
    It aims at improving lives of people
    especially those affected by crisis.

    Entry requirements
    - Applicants must have scored a
    minimum of C in KCSE or its equivalent.
    Holders of certificates in social work
    and community development or its equivalent
    from a recognized institutions may be considered
    for admission.

    Tuition fees
    - Sh.25,000 per trimester

    Course duration
    - This program takes three trimesters plus internship
  • University of Eldoret University of Eldoret, Eldoret  
    Course: Diploma in Social Work and Rural Development

    Course requirements
    (i) KCSE mean grade C plain with C- in Mathematics or Physics; C- in any 2 of the other science
    subjects and C plain in English or Kiswahili OR

    (ii) KCE Division III with a pass in Mathematics or Physics, a pass in any 2 of the other science
    subjects and a pass in English or Kiswahili OR

    (iii) Certificate in Agriculture/Community Development or related field.

    Mode of study
    Full time
  • Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kakamega  
    The program involves a study
    about people and their relation
    with the environment.Among skills
    graduates learn include:Empowerment
    program and poverty eradication

    Entry requirements
    - Applicants are required to
    have scored a C in KCSE or
    a certificate in social work and
    community development.

    Course duration
    - The course takes three years

    Application fee
  • Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology Kisii CBD Campus Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology Kisii CBD Campus, Kisii  
    Applicants are expected to be holding any of the qualifications below:
    (i) A mean grade of C at KCSE with C- in English and Mathematics OR

    (ii) Division II at KCE with six in English/ Kiswahili OR

    (iii) A mean grade of C- at KCSE or KCE Division III with at least C- in English or Kiswahili.

    Course duration.
    Two years
  • The East African University The East African University, Kajiado  
    Entry requirements

    Students must have attained a minimum of a C- in KCSE or
    a certificate in social work from a reputable institution or hold a relevant professional certificate.

    Period of study

    - Four semesters(1 1/2 years)


  • Rongo University Rongo University, Rongo  
    Admission requirements
    A mean grade of C- at KCSE or any other relevant certificate.

    Tuition fees
    Ksh.30,000 per semester

    Mode of study
    Full time and weekend

    Course duration
    Four semesters
  • Pioneer International University Pioneer International University, Nairobi  
    Admission requirements
    - A minimum of a C in KCSE and above or
    - Hold a certificate in social work and community development
    Course duration
    - 2 years
  • Africa International University Africa International University, Karen  
    One is required to have scored a minimum of C in KCSE or any other qualification recognized by the university senate.

    The program takes two years.
  • Laikipia University College (Maralal Town Campus) Laikipia University College (Maralal Town Campus), Maralal  
    Course requirements.
    Applicants must have scored a mean grade of C at KCSE or any other relevant qualification approved by the university senate.
  • Gretsa University Gretsa University, Thika  
    Entry requirements: KCSE mean grade of C plain or equivalent.
    Course duration: 3 trimesters.
    Fees payable: Ksh 25,000 per trimesters.
  • Technical University of Kenya  Technical University of Kenya , Nairobi  
    Admission requirements
    -KCSE C and above

    Three years

    Mode of study
    Full time
  • Lukenya University Lukenya University, Athi River  
  • Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology Ebunangwe Campus Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology Ebunangwe Campus, Ebunangwe  
  • Moi University Moi University, Eldoret  

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