Colleges and Universities Offering Bachelor of Community Development(Community Development) in Kenya

  • Course Name: Bachelor of Community Development(Community Development)
  • Major Subject: Community Development
  • Course Category: Degree
  • Average Study Duration: 4 years

Colleges Offering Bachelor of Community Development(Community Development)

Universities Offering Bachelor of Community Development(Community Development)

  • Kenyatta University School of Environmental Studies Kenyatta University School of Environmental Studies, Nairobi  
    Admission requirements
    - Applicants are required to
    possess any of the qualifications
    (a)A minimum of C+ in KCSE with
    C+ in any of the cluster subjects
    given below:
    (i)Chemistry or physics
    (iii)English or maths
    (iv)Commerce or economics
    (v)Home science
    (vii)Computer studies
    (viii)History and Government or Religious Education

    (b)C in KCSE plus a diploma in Community Development or in a relevant
    discipline from a recognized institution with at least a credit.

    Tuition fees
    - Kshs.110,000 p.a

    Statutory fees
    - Kshs.21,200

    Admission fees
    -(i)Kshs.2,000 for East African Students
    (ii)Kshs.4,000 for Non East African students

    Course duration
    - Four years
  • K.A.G. East University K.A.G. East University, Kitengela  
    Bachelor of community development and social work

    Entry requirement:
    Admission to Bachelor’s Degree Programs will be based on the attainment of KCSE mean grade C+, a KNEC diploma or the equivalent of each as recognized by the University Senate and the Commission for University Education. Individual programs may require higher grades, but a C+ overall grade will be the minimum threshold.
  • Moi University Nairobi Campus Moi University Nairobi Campus, Nairobi  
  • Pwani University College Pwani University College, Kilifi  

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