Colleges and Universities Offering Certificate in Making of Traditional Foods(Traditional Foods Making) in Kenya
- Course Name: Certificate in Making of Traditional Foods(Traditional Foods Making)
- Major Subject: Traditional Foods Making
- Course Category: Certificate
- Average Study Duration:
This course best suited for those working in hotels, restaurants and other hospitality established and willing to learn or improve their skills in the art of traditional food making technologies.
Also suitable for house wives and cooks in domestic homes.
Colleges Offering Certificate in Making of Traditional Foods(Traditional Foods Making)
Nairobi College of Bread and Confectionery Technology, Nairobi
Course Structure and Modules
1. Soups
- Pumpkin
- Bone
- Muteta
- Fish
- vegetable
Fees: Ksh. 3,500; Course duration: 15 hours.
2. Breakfast
- Ngwaci
- Nduma
- Porridge(White and Brown)
- Roast Banana
- Nyoyo
- Fish
Fees: Ksh. 3,500; Course duration: 15 hours.
3. Main Dishes
(a) Option I
- Aliya(Adhola)
- Ugali(White and Brown)
- Matoke
- Omushenye
- Mukimo
- Fish
Fees: Ksh. 5,000; Course duration: 15 hours.
(b) Option II
- Magira
- Githeri
- Doludas
- Muthokoi
- Munyasi
- Fish
Fees: Ksh. 5,000; Course duration: 15 hours.
(c) Option III
- Chinese Dish
- Indian Dish
- Japanese Dish
Fees: Ksh. 5,000; Course duration: 15 hours.
(d) Option IV
- Omena
- Njahi/Njugu
- Mursk
- Ugali(White and Brown)
- Matoke
- Fish
Fees: Ksh. 5,000; Course duration: 15 hours.
4. Vegetables
(a) Option I
- Managu
- Mrenda
- Tsisaga
- Kunde
- Mitoo
- Sukuma Wiki
Fees: Ksh. 5,000; Course duration: 15 hours.
(b) Option II
- Sebebe
- Mathoroko
- Kahurura/Kanyoria
- Terere
- Nderema
- Thabai
Fees: Ksh. 5,000; Course duration: 15 hours.
Universities Offering Certificate in Making of Traditional Foods(Traditional Foods Making)
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