Colleges and Universities Offering Credit Risk Management(Risk Management) in Kenya

  • Course Name: Credit Risk Management(Risk Management)
  • Major Subject: Risk Management
  • Course Category: Certificate
  • Average Study Duration: 2 days

This course is suited for relationship managers, credit officers, finance officers among others.

Colleges Offering Credit Risk Management(Risk Management)

  • Financial Training Solutions Financial Training Solutions, Nairobi  
    Course Topics.
    - The definition and the implications of credit risk for banks and other financial institutions
    - The most recent risk regulations for banks: Basel II and Basel III
    - How to define the probability of default of a counterparty
    - The basics of Credit Default Swaps (CDS)
    - What stress-testing is and why it is useful
    - How to critically use basic measures of risk like Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall: computation and interpretation
    - The definition and the use of credit ratings
    Course duration: 2 days.
  • Kaleo College Kaleo College, Kangema  

Universities Offering Credit Risk Management(Risk Management)

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