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Jesus and the Twelve Disciples Lesson Plans

Class: Form 2

Subject: CRE

Level: High School

Category: Form 2 CRE Lesson Plans

Document Type: Pdf and Docx

Number of Pages:

Price: KES: 40            

Views: 213     Downloads: 0

Lesson Plan Summary

Discover comprehensive lesson plans on Jesus and the Twelve Disciples designed for teachers. Engage your students with engaging and educational content. Perfect for religious studies classes.
Areas Covered:
1. Commissioning of the disciples
2. Jesus feeds the five thousand
3. Jesus' identity and destiny
4. The transfiguration
5. Jesus' teaching on faith and humility
6. Some major teachings of jesus
7. The duties and privileges of discipleship
8. The mission of the 72 disciples
9. Commitment to christ: the parable of the good samaritan
10. Jesus visits Martha and Mary
11. Jesus' teaching on prayer
12. Jesus' use of god's power to overcome evil and unclean spirit
13. Jesus' teachings on the light of the body
14. Jesus' teachings on fearless confession without hypocrisy
15. Jesus' teachings on material possessions
16. Jesus' teachings on watchfulness and readiness

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