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Computer Studies Question Paper

Computer Studies 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:

1. List four stages in data processing cycle.(4mks)
2. Briefly explain the role of the followin editing features of a word processor.
(a) Find and Replace(1mk)
(b) Undo and Redo(2mks)
(c) Thesaurus(1mk)
(d) Word wrap(1mk)
(e) Autocorrect(1mk)
(f) Autocomplete(1mk)
3.(a) What is document formatting?(1mk)
(b) Give any five document formatting features of a word processor.(5mks)
(c) Differentiate between 'superscript'and 'subscript' font.(2mks)
4. Give any four text alignment features.(4mks)
5. List any three sources of graphics that can be used in Microsoft word.(3mks)
6.(a) Define mail merging.(1mk)
(b) Give two advantages of mail merge over copy and pasting several times to mass mail documents.(2mks)
7. A computer teacher has put a rule that diskettes should not be used in the computer laboratory.
(a) Give two reasons for the rule.(2mks)
(b) State two alternatives that can be used to achieve the same objective.(2mks)
8. List three differences between a laser printer and a dot matrix printer.(3mks)
9.(a) Explain three ways by which a computer users can protect their eyes from harmful emissions from the computer screen.(6mks)
(b) List four factors to be considered when deciding on the choice of an electronic data processing method.(4mks)
10.(a) List three paragraph formatting activities in Word processing.(3mks)
(b) Differentiate between bolding and highlighting.(2mks)
11.(a) Differentiate between hardcopy and softcopy.(2mks)
(b) List three types of printers you can use to print your document.(3mks)
(c) Highlight three problems you are likely to encounter when printing a document,in each case,suggest a solution.(6mks)
SECTION B(40mks)
12. A school bought a computer system. The hardware items supplied include:a 800MHz processor,64MB of RAM,a sound card,speakers,monitor,a keyboard,a 120GB hard disk,a floppy disk drive,a CD-Read/Write drive, a mouse,a modem,an inkjet printer and a joystick.
The softwares supplied include:an operating system,a BASIC interpreter,packages,spreadsheets,graphics,word processor,art database and games.
(a) List three input devices fron the given specification.(3mks)
(b) Explain the meaning of the following:
ii.64MB of RAM(2mks)
iii.120GB hard disk(2mks)
(d) Students enjoy playing noisy games:
i. Which hardware items are needed to produce sound?(2mks)
ii. Which input device is only used for playing games?(1mk)
13. A school organizes its work in folders/directories. The directory/folder WP contains the files,CATS,EXAMS and ASSIGNMENTS. The directory PROG is contained in the OTHER directory. The directory WP also contains the PERSONAL directory. Given that the directory STUDENTS contains directories SP,DP,WP and OTHERS.
(a) Write the path at which the contents of subdirectory DB can be erased or displayed.(2mks)
(b) Write the path for the directory PROG(2mks)
(c) Give two reasons for storing file in directories and subdirectories.(2mks)
(d) Give two disadvantages of using command driven interfaces as compared to menu driven interfaces.(2mks)
14. Apart from the work area, state and explain any five parts of a Microsoft word window.(10mks)
15. To save time using a computer, keyboard shortcut keys are normally used. Describe what happens when the following keys are pressed: (6mks)
i. Ctrl+C
ii. Ctrl+V
iii. Ctrl+X
iv. Ctrl+F
v. Ctrl+Z
vi. Ctrl+Y
16.(a) What is drop cap?(1mk)
(b) Write down the procedure you can use to drop a character.(3mks)

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