Biology Paper 1 Theory Question Paper
Biology Paper 1 Theory
Course:Secondary Level
Institution: Kcse question papers
Exam Year:2010
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
1. - Semi permeable/semi permeability;
- Sensitive to change in temperature; and pH;
- Possession of electric charges;
2. - Collect only the required specimen;
- Immobilize highly mobile animals
- Do not harm specimen during collection;
- Handle dangerous specimen with care;
- Return the live specimen back to the habitat after use;
3. (a) Magnification = eye piece lens magnification x objective lens magnification
(b) –Cell division;
- Formation of cilia and flagella;
4. – the greater the diffusion between two points the faster the rate of diffusion;
- Increasing concentration of molecules increases the diffusion gradient;
5. - Specialised bean shaped cells; mostly found on the lower leaf surface lying close to
epidermal cells and contain chloroplasts;
6. - Grana/granum/thylakoid/membrane of chloroplast;
- Stroma (of chloroplasts ;)
7. - Waste products are less toxic;
- Waste products are re used; (in plants)
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8. (a) – Diastema
(b) – Water;
- Alcohol;
9. (a) Large surface area to volume ratio; hence most surface of body is in contact with
(b) – Increases surface area over which diffusion occurs;
- Increases the volume of gases that diffuse;
10. - During drought some plants shed their leaves; to reduce the surface area; for water loss
11. - Buccal cavity;
- Lungs;
- Skin;
12. - Allergy to gaseous exchange structure to pollen grains, atmospheric dust; Animal fur,
scents from certain drugs, foods and flowers;
- Lung or Bronchial infection by Bacteria and viruses.
13. -Oxygen concentration; substrate concentration; Hormones; surface area; ratio of volume to
body size;
14. (a) Aerenchyma – fresh water;
Pneumastophases – salty water/saline/marine water;
(b) Gaseous exchange/breathing;
15. - Carbon (iv) oxide;
- Water
16. Eukaryotic – nuclei/organelles are membrane bound;
Prokaryotic – nuclear material is not enclosed within a nuclear membrane;
17. ADH – increases the nephrons membrane permeability to water; hence retention of water in
the body; OWTTE.
18. -Aves;
- Mammalia; rej Birds and mammals.
19. - Drinking contaminated water by cercarie larvae;
- Penetration of skin by parasite when bathing or wading/walking through water containing
cercarie larva;
20. (a) Telophase;
(b) Feeding/passage of nutrients from mothers’ blood to foetus/passage of waste products
from foetus to mother’s circulatory system;
- Secretion of hormones;
21. - Fruit is capsule shaped; capsule is usually attached to a long stalk; when swayed by wind
the seeds are released and scattered;
22. (a) A – Plumule;
B – Radicle;
(b) Store food required during germination;
23. (a) – Development in some insects involving the egg, nymph and adult;
(b) Juvenile Hormone:-formation of larval cuticle;
- Retention of juvenile characteristics
Ecdysone:- Moulting in insects;
24. Blood group – discontinuous;
Skin pigmentation – continuous;
25. Heterozygosity: - a condition in which an individual has two different alleles in its genotype,
while Homozygosity is a condition in which individual has similar alleles in its genotype;
26. Struggle for existence
- Environmental pressure; on the population causes competition within the population in an
effort to survive;
- Survival of the fittest:-
- Individuals with advantageous variations survive; poorly adapted individuals perish and
do not transmit their characteristics; OWTTE,
27. Endocrine Nervous______________________
- Chemical substance to evoke a re response; - Nerve impulse to evoke a response;
- Chemical transmitted through blood; - Impulse transmitted through a nerve
- Slow response but affect several parts of the body; - Response quick, specific and
- Effects long lasting; - Effects rapid and short lived;
- Response takes place involuntarily; - Takes place voluntarily and
28. - Presbyopia/old age sight’
- Crystalline lens/weak suspensory and ciliary muscles;
29. - To withstand forces in the environment e.g. gravity/ wind/air current;
- Uphold their weight;
- To be able to place leaves in such a position so as to increase efficiency of photosynthesis;
30. (a) – Smooth muscle;
(b)– Iris; Alimentary canal walls;
31. (a) -Cartilage; and bone;
(b) – Hard and rigid doesn’t increase in size; Has to be shed for growth to occur;
32. - Provides the fish with buoyancy;
- Helps fish to adjust its vertical position in relation to depth of water;
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