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Biology Paper 1 Theory Question Paper

Biology Paper 1 Theory 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010

Biology (Theory)
Paper 1
Marking Scheme
1. i) Exoskeleton
ii) Endoskeleton
2. Herbaceous plants depend on turgidity of their cells for support while woody plants have cells with
thickened walls for support.
3. a) Motor neuron
It has a cell body situated at one end of the axion .
b) Transmittes impulses from the CNS to the affecter organs.
4. - Primary growth.
- Development of adventitious roots from stems.
- Inhibits development of lateral buds.
5. - Chromosomal mutations
- Gene mutations.
6. Phenotypically acquired characteristics cannot be inherited.
7. Chromatids separate at the centromere
- Spindle fibers begin to shorten.
- Daughter chromosomes move to opposite poles.
8. i) Quadrat method.
ii) Capture – recapture
9. - Adequate rainfall / high humidity.
- Less windy
- Low diurnal temperature ranges.
10. Liver cirrhosis
Gall stones
Any two
11. i) Produces sebum which keeps the skin soft and is anti - septic.
ii) Contracts and relaxes to control hair on the skin.
iii) Insulation layer against heat loss.
12. - Sieve tubes have perforated cross walls to allow passage of materials.
- They have cytoplasmic strands to facilitate movement of tranlocated materials.
- Companion cells supply energy to the sieve tubes for translocation.
13. To avoid digestion of the stomach walls.
14. i)
1 C PM M
ii) 64
iii) Vegetation
15. i) Chloroplasts
ii) Site to photosynthesis to take place.
iii) Lamella
16. - Magnesium
17. - Higher magnification power.
- Higher resolving power
- Specimen is viewed on a screen
18. Kingdom – Animalia
Genus – Felis
Species – Catus
19. - Enlargement of testis
- Deepening of voice
- Masculine development
20. - Stamens and carpels maturing at different times.
- Unisexual flowers
- Higher placed stigma than stamens.
- Self sterility.
21. i) Tuft of hair in the ear, premature baldness.
ii) Colour blindness, haemophilia ( mark 1st answer only.)
22. - Blood transfusion.
- Plants and animals breeding to improve yields)
- Genetic counseling.
23. - energy is but through.
- Respiration.
- Undigested food materials.
- Death of organisms.
24. - Reduces competition by the various forms having different ecological niches.
- Enable insects to survive adverse conditions.
25. i) Thigmotropsin / Heptotropsin
ii) Support for weak stems.
26. - Controls learning and intelligence.
- Controls voluntary body movements.
27. i) Most sensitive part of the retina where an image is formed.
ii) Where optic nerve leaves the retina to the brain.
28. - Epidermics of diseases
- Eutrophication
- Direct death of animals
29. - Air is cleaned by cilia.
- Amount of air taken in is controlled.
- Any smell in the air is detected.
30. Wilting is when a plant loses more water through transpiration than it gains from the soil. The leaves of
the plant droops, leaf surface exposed to the sun reduces hence reducing the rate of water loss.
31. - Production of alcoholic drinks.
- Baking i.e. raising the dough
- Processing of dairy products e.g. cheese and yoghurt.
32. - Diffusion.
- Guttation.
- Exudation
- Deposition
- Shedding of leaves
- Transpiration

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