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Agriculture Paper 1 Question Paper

Agriculture Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010

NAME:…………………………………………………INDEX ………………..…..DATE……..…
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
1. Write your name and index number in the spaces provided above
2. Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided.
3. This paper consists of THREE sections; A, B, and C.
4. Answer all questions in sections A and B.
5. Answer any TWO questions in section C.
6. All the questions should be answered in the spaces provided
For Examiners’ Use Only
Section Questions Maximum
Candidates score
A 1-20 30
B 21-24 20
C 20
Total score 90
Answer ALL the questions in this section.

1. List four environmental factors that affect crop distribution in a given area.
2. Mention two methods of storing water on a farm (1mk)
3. Give one reason why too much air in the silo is undesirable in the process of making silage.
4. State two advantages of a grass-legume pasture over a pure grass pasture
5. State two characteristics of a large scale farming system. (1mk)
6. Give four reasons why farmers are encouraged to practice organic farming.
7. (a) What is meant by the term land reform? (½mk)
(b) State four steps followed in land adjudication. (2mks)

(c) Mention any four pieces of information contained in a land title deed. (2mks)
8. State two ways how ridging controls soil erosion (1mk)
9. List down two determinants of national income (1mk)
10. State two possible causes of a hard pan. (1mk)
11. Differentiate between chitting and seed inoculation. (1mk)
12. Mention four management practices that are carried out on agro forestry trees from
transplanting to maturity (2mks)
13. Give four possible causes of seed dormancy. (2mks)

14. State four reasons for planting cereals early in the planting season. (2mks)
15. Give four functions of Young Farmers Clubs in Kenyan secondary schools and colleges.
16. Give one term used to explain a market condition where there is a:
(i) Sole seller (½mk)
(ii) Sole buyer (½mk)
17. Distinguish between the terms hybrid and composite as used in maize breeding
18. State two characteristics of green manure plants (1mk)
19. Give four farming practices that may help in achieving minimum tillage (2mks)

20. What is biological weed control (1mk)
Answer ALL the questions in this section in the spaces provided.
21. (a) A farmer can combine dairy meal and home made feeds in order to obtain 40kg of milk
from a lactating cow as shown in the table below.
Dairy meal(kg) Home-made feed(kg) Marginal rate of
1 48 0
2 39 V
3 32 7
4 27 W
5 23 4
6 21 X
7 20 1
8 19 Y
(i) Given the above information, calculate the Marginal Rate of Substitution and give the
value of V, W, X and Y. (4mks)

(ii) Given that the price of dairy meal is Kshs.8.00 per kilogram and that of home-made
feeds is Kshs.2.00 per kilogram, calculate the least cost combination.
b) Given that the price of Kshs 1000 per bag, 20bags of maize are demanded, but when the
price changes to Kshs 800 per bag, 22 bags are demanded, calculate the elasticity of
demand. Show your working (3mks)
22. The diagram below illustrates one of the arable field crops. Study it carefully and answer the
questions that follow.
a) Identify the field crop. (1mk)
b) State two common diseases that attack the parts labeled G and H (2mks)
G………………………………… H……………………………………

c) Explain four cultural methods of controlling the disease named H in (b) above
23. Name the deficient nutrient element in plants showing the following symptoms;
i. Stunted growth, die back of plant tips, leaves roll up and chlorosis along margins of
younger leaves (½mk)
ii. Yellowing of leaves appears first on lower leaves; leaves turn brown and fall prematurely,
stunted growth. (½mk)
iii. Leaf curling, yellowing of leaves tips and edges of leaves scorched and has small mottles.
iv. Purpling of leaves, stunted growth, slender stalks and lateral buds remain dormant.
24. The figure below is a diagram illustrating a method of crop propagation. Study it carefully then
answer the questions that follow.

a) Name the method of propagation illustrated above (1mk)
b) Give two ways of initiating faster root development in the propagation method shown
above (2mks)
c) What would make it necessary for a farmer to choose the above method of propagation
instead of using cuttings? (2mks)
Answer any TWO questions in this section in the spaces provided.
25. Describe the establishment of kales under the following sub-headings:
a) Nursery preparation (4mks)
b) Establishment in the nursery (3mks)

c) Management of seedlings in the nursery (5mks)
d) Transplanting of seedlings (8mks)
26. Study the information provided carefully and use it to prepare a profit and loss account for Mr.
Khafafa’s farm for the year ending 2009.His purchases and expenses were as follows:
Goats 4,000
Poultry 15,000
Dairy meal 25,000
Pasture seeds 50,000

Transportation of farm produces 15,000
Casual workers 12,000
Ox-plough 10,000
Opening Valuation 150,000
His sales and Receipts.
Mohair 75,000
Rabbits 36,000
Pigs 70,000
Groundnuts 100,000
Orange 20,000
Eggs 15,000
Closing valuation 200,000
a) Prepare profit and loss account (15mks)
b) Did Mr. Khafafa make a profit or loss? (1mk)
c) How much was the profit or loss? (1mk)
d) Calculate the percentage profit or loss. (Show your working) (3mks)

27. (a) Describe five factors considered before choosing the type of irrigation system to use on the
farm. (10mks)
b) Give the advantages of sprinkler irrigation (5mks)

(c) Mention and describe five factors considered when choosing water pipes for irrigation

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