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Computer Studies Paper 1 Question Paper

Computer Studies Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2009

Name………………………………………………………. Index No…………………/…….
School……………………………………………………… Candidates Signature………………
Date ………………………………..
Paper 1
July/August 2009
2 ½ Hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
Paper 1
July/August 2009
2 ½ Hours
Write your Name and Index Number in the spaces provided.
This paper consists of TWO sections: A and B
Answer ALL questions in section A
Answer question 16 and any other THREE from section B
All answers should be written in the spaces provided in the question paper
For Examiners use only.
Candidates Score
A 1 – 15
Total Score
This paper consists of 14 Printed pages.
Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all the
Papers are printed as indicated and no questions are missing
© 2009 Nyamira District Joint Examinations Committee Computer 451/1 Turn Over
Answer all the questions in this section.
1. Write a pseudo code for the above flow chart (2 mks)
2. Differentiate between optical and magnetic scanning techniques used for input and give two
examples in each case. (2 mks)
Count = lower limit
Lower = count + 1 limit
< = 10?
© 2009 Nyamira District Joint Examinations Committee Computer 451/1 Turn Over
3. Name the three main types of human computer interface. (11/2 mks)
4. Distinguish between a folder and a subfolder. (1mk)
5. Draw an illustration of a USB port and explain its function. (2mks)
6. Differentiate between parallel and serial port interface cables. (1mk)
7. a) Explain the following storage disks
i) Zip disks
ii) Jaz disks (1mk)
b) Give four examples of optical disks. (2mks)
© 2009 Nyamira District Joint Examinations Committee Computer 451/1 Turn Over
8. What do you understand by the following terms: (11/2mks)
i) Industrial espionage
ii) Eaves dropping
iii) Surveillance
9. a) Explain the following terms: (l mk)
i) surf/browse
ii) Hyperlink
b) Explain two functions performed by the UPS (1mk)
10. a) List three data processing methods. ( ½ mks)
b) Define the term internet. (1mk)
© 2009 Nyamira District Joint Examinations Committee Computer 451/1 Turn Over
c) List four services offered by internet. (2mks)
11. a) State three communication methods without cables. (11/2mk)
b) Differentiate between fourth generation languages and third generation languages. (1mk)
12. a) Using twos compliment work out 1510 - 810 (2mks)
b) Define the following terms:
i) Source program.
ii) Object code
iii) Translator (11/2mks)
© 2009 Nyamira District Joint Examinations Committee Computer 451/1 Turn Over
13. Windows operating system provides the use of tool to help in managing storage devices and
media. Distinguish between the following terms: (11/2mks)
i) Disk defragmenter.
ii) Partitioning a disk
iii) Compressing.
14. a) Give two reasons for partitioning a disk. (1mk)
b) List two main types of desktop publishing software. (1mk)
c) Name any four database models. (2mks)
15. a) Differentiate between functions and formulae. (lmk)
b) Name four basic types of data used in a spreadsheet (2mks)
© 2009 Nyamira District Joint Examinations Committee Computer 451/1 Turn Over
c) Differentiate between: (11/2mks)
i) Cell referencing
iii) Relative references
iii) Absolute referencing
d) What is data integrity? ( ½ mk)
e) Differentiate between the following errors: (lmk)
i) Transcription errors
ii) Transposition errors
f) The following methods are used in data protection. Explain. (2mks)
i) Audit trail
ii) Data encryption
© 2009 Nyamira District Joint Examinations Committee Computer 451/1 Turn Over
iii) Log files
iv) Fire walls
Answer question 16 and any other three questions from this section
16. a) Baraka wholesalers has two categories customers for order processing. Category ‘A’
obtains 10% discount on all orders up to ksh 10,000 otherwise the discount is 20% on
the entire order. Category ‘B’ obtains 30% discount on all orders if the debt repayment is
‘good’ otherwise the discount is 15%.Draw a flow chart for the order processing. (10mks)
© 2009 Nyamira District Joint Examinations Committee Computer 451/1 Turn Over
b) A form four class sat for an exam in eight subjects. A student must get an average of 50%
in all subjects in order to pass. A report is required that will show the name, marks
obtained by each student per subject, the average mark and whether the student has passed
or failed. Draw a flow chart for this report. (l0mks)
© 2009 Nyamira District Joint Examinations Committee Computer 451/1 Turn Over
17. a) Define the term network topology. (lmk)
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b) Name three advantages of computer networking. (3mks)
c) Describe any three functions of network operating systems. (6mks)
d) Explain the following as used in Internet services (6mks)
i) E- mail
ii) E- commerce
iii) E- learning
e) Piracy means making illegal copies of copyrighted software, information or data. Outline
any four ways in which the copyright law can help to reduce piracy (4mks)
© 2009 Nyamira District Joint Examinations Committee Computer 451/1 Turn Over
18. a) Define the term data communication. (1mk)
b) Explain the following terms as used in data communication. (2mks)
i) Bandwidth
ii) Attenuation
c) Explain the following three types of computer networks (6mks)
i) LAN
ii) MAN
iii) WAN
d) i) What are robots. (1mk)
ii) Outline any four advantages of using robots in industries over human beings.
© 2009 Nyamira District Joint Examinations Committee Computer 451/1 Turn Over
e) Describe the following communication modes giving an example in each case. (6mks)
i) Simplex
iii) Full duplex
iii) Duplex
19. a) Describe the following careers in the computing field. (6mks)
i) Computer Engineers
ii) Software engineers
iii) Computer technician
b) Identify any three duties of an information system manager. (3mks)
© 2009 Nyamira District Joint Examinations Committee Computer 451/1 Turn Over
c) Giving an example, mention three categories of places where you can advance your
computer skills after sitting for your K.C.S.E. (3mks)
d) Mention any four formatting features used in Ms Word application. (4mks)
e) Define the term electronic spreadsheet. (1mk)
f) Explain the following terms as used in Ms Excel spread sheet package. (3mks)
i) Range
ii) What if analysis
iii) Automatic recalculation
20. a) Define the term information system. (1mk)
© 2009 Nyamira District Joint Examinations Committee Computer 451/1 Turn Over
b) Outline three circumstances under which an organization may want may want to develop
a new information system. (3mks)
c) List down any six characteristics of a system. (6mks)
d) Describe the term data processing. (1mk)
e) Outline three qualities of good information. (3mks)
f) List three file organization methods in a computer. (1mk)
g) Briefly describe the following type of computer files. (3mks)
i) Master file
iii) Transaction file
© 2009 Nyamira District Joint Examinations Committee Computer 451/1 Turn Over
iii) Back up file

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