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Computer Studies Paper 2 Question Paper

Computer Studies Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010

NAME:…………………………………………………INDEX ………………..…..DATE……..…
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education 2010
_ Write your name and index number at the right hand corner of each print out.
_ Write your name and index on the diskette/removable media
_ Write the name and version of the software used for each question attempted in the answer sheet
_ Answer all the questions
_ Passwords should not be used while saving in the diskette/removable media
_ All answers must be saved in your diskette/ Removable media
_ Arrange your printouts and tie/staple them together
_ Hand in all the printouts and the diskette/Removable media
_ Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed a s indicated and
that no questions are missing.

General Philosophy
The project is an essential part of the course. It represents practical work that you have done largely under your
own direction, relevantt to the field of busines computing and information management, and draws upon the
knowledge gained from other modules on the course.
You have only, a limited, time in which to carry out the project and therefore,
you should plan to use the available time effectively. The project is intended
to provide you with training and experience in both the standards required for an
academic piece of work, and in carrying out work that requires an element of
originall thinking. This does not mean that the work carried out must result
from an original contribution to the fields of computing science or Information
systems. Rather, you are expected to produce work that is of your own design
and making and not to simply copy the work of others, there is no exact
lengtth requirement for the report. Most people write too much. The
workload is expected to be the equivalent of about 7 months. The length of
the report is not proportional to the amount of work you have done. It is
related to what you want to say. The format of the report is very important.
You need to remember that this is an academic piece of work. The work you
are reporting is also your work not someone else’s. Published sources will
be important to you but do not repeat them; you reference them to support
what you want to say.
Question 1
(a) Type the passage above the way it's and save as A: / “PROJECT 1” (10 marks)
(b) Spell and grammar check “protect 1” and Save it as A:/ “PROJECT 2” (6 marks)
(c) Print project2 (2 marks)
(d) The heading "project guide for students" to have the styles (7 marks)
Hard work and success in your exam

o Font size: 28
o Font face: Castellar
o Centered across the page
o Superscript
(e) The second paragraph to be three columns and having the following styles (15 marks)
o Justify
o Paragraph border style double line ½ pts width
o Font size: 11
o Character spacing 150
o Save it as A:/ FINAL PROJECT” and print it
Question 2
Using the spreadsheet application to answer the questions below
a b c d e f g h i
Eng Math Geo Comp Chem Bio Average Grade
1 Wanjala James 52 25 78 58 89 45
2 Maina John 89 25 96 87 36 65
3 Onyango James 90 41 100 68 85 36
4 Obura Martin 20 52 58 50 70 60
5 Wasike Joseph 30 62 42 78 45 54
6 Mayende Tom 12 45 35 25 41 10
7 Subject mean
8 Subject Grade
Class mean
(i) Enter the data in a work sheet as it is and save as A:/ “RAW DATA” (10 mks)
(ii) Give the worksheet the header as “CAT 1 TERM 2 2009”
Font size 14, underline, bold, font type Tahoma (5 mks)
(iii) Perform the following calculations using formulae’s
a. Subject mean (5 mks)
b. Average score per student, grade students AND subjects basing on the following criteria
85 – 100 A
75 – 84 A-
65 – 74 B+
50 – 64 C
Below 50 C- (10 mks)
c. Perform the following (10 mks)
Change average score per student and average score per subject to zero decimal place
Bold and center all the average scores per student
Format all subject labels to 45 degrees alignmentRename the sheet as mock
Insert the footer “HARD WORK AND SUCCESS IN ”
(iv) Centre and bold all the grades then rank students from top using average score (6 marks)
(v) Save as A: / FINAL DRAFT and PRINT IT (4 marks)

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