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History And Government Paper 1 Question Paper

History And Government Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2009

Answer all the questions in this section in the answer booklet provided
1. Identify one branch in the study of History and Government of Kenya
( 1 mk)
2. Apart from the Maasai, name one other plains Nilotes found in Kenya
( 1 mk)
3. What was the main economic activity of the Cushites in the pre- colonial period?
( 1 mk)
4. State two political functions of the council of elders among the Agikuyu during
the colonial period ( 2 mks)
5. Name two groups that rivaled the Portuguese for the control of the Kenyan coast
in the 16th century ( 2 mks)
6. Identify two communities which resisted the British Occupation of Kenya
( 2 mks)
7. Give the main reason why poll tax was introduced in Kenya during the colonial
period ( 1 mk)
8. Who was the chairman of the East African Association during the colonial period
in Kenya? ( 1 mk)
9. Name the first African to be nominated to the legislative Council in 1944 in
Kenya ( 1 mk)

10. Identify two methods used by trade unionists to demand for their rights during
the colonial period ( 2 mks)
11. State the main reason why the second Lancaster House Conference was held in
1962 ( 1 mk)
12. State two roles played by the Kenya African Democratic Union in the struggle
for independence in Kenya ( 2 mks)
13. Give two ways through which the government has encouraged the preservation
of African Culture though music and dance ( 2 mks)
14. State one way through which the Minister for local Government exercises
control over Municipal Councils in Kenya ( 1 mk)
15. Name the unit of the police department which is responsible for maintaining law
and order at the chief’s office ( 1 mk)
16. Who appoints the Head of the Civil Service in Kenya? ( 1 mk)
17. Identify two characteristics of African Socialism that promote national
development in Kenya ( 2 mks)

Answer any three questions from this section in the answer booklet provided
18. (a) Give the evidence which shows that early visitors reached the Kenyan coast
before the 15th century ( 3 mks)
(b) Explain six results of the interaction between the people of the Kenyan Coast
and the Arabs ( 12 mks)
19. (a) Give three causes of the Somali resistance to the British rule in Kenya
during the 19th century ( 3 mks)
(b) Explain six negative effects of British colonial on the people of Kenya
( 12 mks)
20. (a) Why did the colonial government deny the Africans the right to grow cash
crops in Kenya before 1954? ( 3 mks)
(b) Explain six problems faced by Africans by Africans in urban centres during
the colonial period in Kenya ( 12 mks)
21. (a) Give three reasons for the coming of European Christian missionaries to
Kenya in the 19th Century ( 3 mks)

(b) Explain six factors that hindered the work of early Christian missionaries in
Kenya ( 12 mks)

Answer all the questions in this section in the answer booklet provided
1. Name two types of written materials used by historians as a source of history and
government. ( 2 mks)
2. State two ways in which the early man obtained food ( 2 mks)
3. State Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution ( 1 mk)
4. Identify the greatest contribution of Michael Faraday in the field of science
( 1 mk)
5. Give the main use of steam power during the industrial revolution in Europe
( 1 mk)
6. State two disadvantages of using wood as a source of energy ( 2 mks)
7. Give two means of water transport used during the ancient times ( 2 mks)
8. State two advantages of the use of money over barter as a medium
of exchange (2 mks)
9. Give two reasons why early urban centres in ancient Egypt developed in the
Nile Valley ( 2 mks)
10. State two economic activities of the Shona during the pre- colonial
Period (2 mks)

11. Define the term ‘sphere of influence’ as used by the European powers in Berlin
conference of 1884 and 1885 ( 1 mk)
12. Identify one political reform introduced by President Fredrick de Klerk that led to
the achievement of black majority rule in South Africa. ( 1 mk)
13. Give one way in which policy of nationalization slowed down economic
development in Tanzania during the rule of Julius Nyerere ( 1 mk)
14. Name the organ of the United Nations that promotes justice in the world
( 1 mk)
15. Identify one superpower that was involved in the cold war ( 1 mk)
16. Name two English speaking member countries of the economic community of
West Africa States (ECOWAS) ( 2 mks)
17. Identify one house of Congress in the United States of America ( 1 mk)

Answer any three questions from this section in the answer booklet provided
18. (a) Give three stages in the evolution of man before Homo Erectus ( 3 mks)
(b) Describe six ways in which the discovery of fire by early man improved his
way of life ( 12 mks)
19. (a) Identify three ways in which water used in industries during the 18th century
(b) Explain six social effects of the industrial revolution in Europe during the 18th
century ( 12 mks)
20. (a) Identical the effects methods used by the French to acquire colonies in West
Africa ( 3 mks)
(b) Explain six factors that led to the defeat of Samori Toure by the French
( 12 mks)
21. (a) Give three reasons why it took long for Mozambique to achieve
independence from Portugal ( 3 mks)
(b) Explain six factors that favoured the success of FRELIMO nationalists during
their struggle for independence in Mozambique ( 12 mks)

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