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History And Government Paper 2 Question Paper

History And Government Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2002

SECTION A (25 marks)
Answer all the questions in this section in the answer booklet
1. State one advantage of written materials as a source of history (1 mk)
2. Give one characteristics of Homo erectus (1 mk)
3. State one main limitation of barter trade during the Trans- Saharan Trade. (1 mk)
4. State two duties of the priests in Yoruba traditional religion (2 mks)
5. State one result of the invention of the wheel in Mesopotamia (1 mk)
6. Give one disadvantage of using coal as a source of industrial energy during the
nineteenth century. (1 mk)
7. State two factors that facilitated the growth of the Asante Kingdom (2 mks)
8. Identify two features of Early Greek city states (2 mks)
9. Give two inventions that improved textile manufacturing industry in Britain in the
eighteenth century. (2 mks)
10. State one contribution of Joseph Lister in the field of medicine in the nineteenth
century (1 mk)
11. State two effects of the development of railway transport in the nineteenth century
12. Give two methods that European powers used to occupy Africa during the
nineteenth century. (2 mks)
13. State two conditions that one had to fulfill in order to become fully assimilated in
French West Africa.(2 mks)
14. Give the main reason why the League of Nations was formed in 1919. (1 mk)
15. State the main cause of the cold war (1 mk)
16. Give two political developments in South Africa between 1990 and 1994 which
led to peaceful introduction of majority rule in the country. (2 mks)
17. State the main reason why the USSR adopted a one party system of government.
(1 mk)
18. (a) Describe three ways through which slaves were obtained during the
Trans- Atlantic slaves trade
(b) Explain six factors that led to the decline of the Trans- Atlantic trade
19. (a) What factors led to the industrialization in German in the 19th century?
(b) Explain five results of the industrial Revolution in Europe during the 19th
20. (a) In what was are the teachings of Islam similar to those of Christianity
(b) Explain the Christian church split during the 16th century
21. (a) What reasons led to the failure of Maji Maji rebellion in 1907
(b) Explain five reforms that were introduced by the German administration
after the Maji Maji uprising
22. (a) Why did the British use indirect rule to administer Northern Nigeria
(b) Explain why the use of indirect rule in southern Nigeria was unsuccessful
23. (a) Describe three factors that enabled the allied powers to win the second
World War
(b) Explain the results of the Second World War
24. (a) Describe the functions of the president of the United States of America
(b) Explain how the system of government of the U.S.A works

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