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Borabu Masaba District Mock Question Paper

Borabu Masaba District Mock 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2012

NAME…………………………………………………………. INDEX NO. ………………/………
SCHOOL ……………………………………………………... SIGN ………………………………

Paper 2
2 Hours

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)

Paper 2
2 Hours


1.Write your name and index number in the spaces provided.
2.Sign and write the date or the examination in the spaces provided.
3.This paper consists of three sections A,B and C
4.Answer all Questions in Section A and B and any Two questions in section C in the spaces provided

Answer all questions the question in the section in the spaces provided.
1.Name one intermediate host for each of the following livestock parasites.
i)Liverfluke(fasciola sp) (½mark)
ii)Tape worm(Taenia sp.) (½mark)
2.Name the breed of goat kept for hair production (½mark)
3.Give two reasons for having a footbath in a cattle deep. (1 mark)
4.Differentiate between the following tool
a)Bastard file and rasp file (1 mark)
b)Copying saw and hack saw (1 mark)
5.State any two reasons why eaves disown lambs. (1 mark)
6.List any four qualities of good creep feed. (2marks)
7.Name two livestock diseases that are caused by protozoa (1mark)
8.State four parasites that a farmer should carry out to reduce egg eating habits in poultry(2 marks)
9.State two ways of preparing the saw for furrowing. (1mark
10.State two maintenance practices of a tractor battery. (2 marks)
11. State four management practices that would ensure maximum harvest of fish from fish pond.
(2 marks)
12.State two advantages of using wood in the construction of farm building. (1 mark)
13.State four conditions inhibiting milk let down. (2 marks)
14.State what happens on the following parts of a hen during egg formation.
i)Magnum (1 mark)

ii)Isthmus (1 mark)
15.State four desirable features of a rabbit hutch. (2marks)
16.List any two components of electrical system in a tractor engine. (1mark)
17.State four factors considered when sitting an apiary. (2 marks)
18.Give two reasons for foot trimming in sheep. (2marks)
19.a)Give four features of a good laying nest. (2 marks)
b)Give three reasons why a young calf must be fed on colostrums during the first few days of life. (1½ marks)

Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided
20.a)Below is a diagram of a farm equipment.

i)Identify the equipment. (½mark)
ii)State one function of the toothed edges. (½mark)
iii)State one methods of increasing the depth of penetration of the equipment(1 mark)
iv)State four maintenance practices carried out on the equipment shown in the (2mks)
21.A diagram of a sheep is shown below. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow

i)What operation is usually carried out on the part labeled A? (½mark)

ii)Give two reasons for carrying out the operation stated in a(i) above? (1mark)
iii)At what age should the operation in a(i) above be carried out? (½mark)
iv)Give two methods of carrying out the operation in a(i) above. (1 mark)
v)Which routine is usually carried out on the part labeled B. (1 mark)
vi)Name the disease that is likely to affect the sheep if the operation stated in a(v) above is not carried out. (1mark)
vii)Explain how the sheep should be restrained when shearing the wool around the belly
(2 marks)
22.The diagrams bellow illustrates a livestock activity and livestock handling structure. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow.

a)Identify the activity in C and the structure in D
C (½mark)
D (½mark)
b)i)State two hygienic precautions to be taken in activity C. (1 mark)
ii)Name the materials used in constructing parts E and F in structure D.(1 mark)
iii) What is the purpose of G an D (1mk)
23.The following diagram illustrates a symptom of a disease in poultry. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow.

i)The disease (½mark)
ii)The causal organism (½mark)
b)A part from lesions, state two other symptoms of the disease. (2 marks)
c)State two control measures for the disease. (2 marks)
Answer any two questions in this section in the spaces provided after question 26
24.a)Discuss any six(6) signs of Trypanosomiasis in livestock. (6 marks)
b)Compare the use of an ox-drawn mouldboard plough with that of a tractor drawn mouldboard. (10 marks)
c)Explain various preparations carried out on fish before preservation. (4 marks)
25.a)Discuss any three breeding practices carried out on animals in the farm. (9 marks)
b)Explain any three types of metals used in construction. (6 marks)
c)Outline any five factors considered in selecting materials for construction of farm structures. (5 marks)
26.a)Discuss the various methods of disease control in livestock production. (10 marks)
b)Describe the digestion of grass in the rumen of an adult ruminant. (8 marks)
c)Explain two reasons why raddling is necessary in sheep management. (2 marks)

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