Business Studies Paper 2 Question Paper

Business Studies Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2009

Business studies
Paper 2
Time: 21/2 hours

1a) Describe 5 differences between a partnership and a private limited company. 10 marks
b) Explain 5 assumptions that are made for a perfect competition market to exist. 10 marks
2a) explain 5 factors that will cause a shift to the left on a demand curve. 10 marks
b) Omondi wants to open a kiosk. Explain 5 features that his business is likely to have. 10 marks
3a) Explain 5 functions of personal selling as method of product promotion. 10 marks
b) A business consultant recommended that Mr. Hamza get a cash book for his business. Explain 5 reasons why? 10 marks
4a) Explain 5 advantages of using the road as a means of transport. 10 marks
b) Explain 5 factors that determine the size of a firm. 10 marks
5a) explain 5 features of a cooperative society. 10 marks
b) Explain 5 factors that influence the level of a nation’s income. 10 marks
6a) Explain 5 factors to consider when choosing a means of transport. 10 marks
b) Explain 5 reasons why a business may engage in sales promotion of their product. 10 marks

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