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Business Studies Paper 2 Question Paper

Business Studies Paper 2 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 2 question papers

Exam Year:2009

Business studies
Paper 2
Time: 21/2 hours

1.a) Explain 5 essential features that a warehouse should have to be used effectively. 10 marks

b) Explain 5 principles of insurance.10 marks

2.a) Explain 5 ways in which the external environment will affect the operations of a business. 10 marks

b) Explain 5 differences between a monopoly and a perfect competition market. 10 marks

3.a) explain 5 methods in which the government can be involved in business. 10 marks

b) Companies spend millions of shilling in advertising their products annually. Explain how this spending is advantageous to them. 10 marks

4.a) Explain 5 features of a sole proprietorship type of business. 10 marks

b) Explain 5 types of economic resources. 10 marks

5.a) Explain 5 factors affecting the elasticity of supply of a product. 10 marks

b) Explain 5 reasons why insurance is important to a business. 10 marks

6.a) Describe 5 ethical issues that business must consider when engaged in sales promotion. 10 marks

b) Explain 5 reasons why public warehouses are important to business men. 10 marks

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