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Dit 105: Business Communication Skills Question Paper

Dit 105: Business Communication Skills 

Course:Diploma In Information Technology

Institution: Kca University question papers

Exam Year:2011

1. Answer any THREE Questions.
2. Time allowed is 1hr 30mins.

a) Define communication and explain the key elements in communication process. [10 marks]

b) State and briefly describe any FIVE factors considered when choosing a channel of communication. [10 marks]

a) Identify and briefly describe FIVE communication barriers. [10 marks]

b) Name and briefly describe the FIVE stages of the listening process. [10 marks]

a) Name and explain any FIVE personal qualities of a good public speaker. [10 marks]

b) Real communication is an active process and three things show successful communication. Explain them.[6 marks]

c) Distinguish between the following terms: [4 marks]
i. Verbal and Non-verbal Communication.
ii. Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Communication.

a) Explain any FIVE types of interviews. [10 marks]

b) Discuss how a manager can make his/her team happy.[10 marks]

a) List any SIX examples of visual communication. [6 marks]

b) Briefly describe THREE types of minutes. [6 marks]

c) Describe the role of a chairman in a meeting. [8 marks]

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