Dit 203: System Analysis &Amp; Design Question Paper

Dit 203: System Analysis &Amp; Design 

Course:Diploma In Information Technology

Institution: Kca University question papers

Exam Year:2012

1. Answer any THREE Questions
2. Time allowed is 1 hr 30mins.

a) Explain FIVE roles of a System Analyst. [5 marks]

b) Explain FIVE system stakeholders for a Payroll Management System. [5 marks]

c) Explain FIVE factors that may trigger systems to be investigated for subsequent development. [10 marks]

a) Explain FOUR reasons as to why so much emphasis is placed on high quality documentation. [8 marks]

b) Explain TWO types of Prototyping. [4 marks]

c) Explain FOUR types of feasibility study. [8 marks]

a) Briefly describe the stages involved in a systems development cycle, starting with the original identification of the problem by management and ending with a report back on successful {or otherwise} implementation. [10 marks]

b) Explain FOUR types of System Maintenance. [6 marks]

c) Distinguish between the following terms as used in Systems:
i. Logical & Physical Design. [2 marks]
ii. Systems Validation & System Verification. [2 marks]

a) Explain the purpose of structured walkthroughs in System Developments and describe briefly how they are usually carried out. [4 marks]

b) In Systems Development, the following issues are considered to be important:
~ Producing and Maintaining Documentation.
~ Adhering to Development Standards.

i) Explain THREE reasons as to how a CASE tool could help the system developer with these two issues. [6 marks]

ii) Give TWO reasons why an IT department might decide against using an integrated CASE tool for its Systems Development. [4 marks]

iii) Explain FOUR benefits to be gained from the use of Data Flow Diagrams as a functional analysis technique. [6 marks]

A company supplies a range of cosmetics products and gives discounts on orders as follows:
~> For orders worth less than Kshs. 1,000 a discount of 2% is given.
~> For orders worth Kshs. 1,000 and above a discount of 5% is given.

These discounts are only given if the customer's account is less than four weeks in arrears. If the account is more than eight weeks in arrears, a pro-forma invoice must be sent and settled before dispatch.

a) Prepare a limited entry decision table. [14 marks]

b) Define the following terms.
i. Decision Table. [2 marks]
ii. Decision Tree. [2 marks]
iii. Pseudo Codes. [2 marks]

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