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Dit 407: Network Design &Amp; Implementation. Question Paper

Dit 407: Network Design &Amp; Implementation. 


Institution: question papers

Exam Year:

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2. Time allowed is 2 hours.

Question One
a) Explain any FOUR factors you would consider when selecting networking devices. [8 marks]

b) Define the following terms: [4 marks]
i. Back bone cabling
ii. Horizontal cabling
iii. Wiring closets
iv. Work area cabling

c) Each media type has its advantages and disadvantages. State the factors to be considered when choosing a network media. [4 marks]

d) List factors to consider when planning an IPv4 addressing scheme. [4 marks]

Question Two
a) Give FOUR benefits of Sub-Netting. [4 marks]

b) You have been provided with the following Network Address:
i. What is the Subnet Mask? [2 marks]
ii. What is the Broadcast? [2 marks]
iii. How many subnets are available? [2 marks]
iv. What are the Valid Hosts for the Subnet that the Network Address belongs to? [2 marks]

c) Explain how a DHCP Server assigns IP Addresses while avoiding conflicts. [2 marks]

d) Explain why it is important to backup a network and highlight three basic methods of Network Backup. [6 marks]

Question Three
a) List FOUR examples of network operating systems. [2 marks]

b) Explain functions of a network operating system. [4 marks]

c) To provide security, a network manager must address two areas. State the two areas. [4 marks]

d) Explain TWO ways to prevent Denial of Service Attacks. [4 marks]

e) Give THREE reasons why you would choose a Linux platform for Network Administration over a Microsoft Windows Server platform. [6 marks]

Question Four
a) The WAN access physical layer describes the physical connection between the company network and the service provider network. Describe the following as commonly used to describe physical WAN connections:
i. Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) [2 marks]
ii. Data Communications Equipment (DCE) [2 marks]
iii. Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) [2 marks]
iv. Central Office (CO) [2 marks]

b) Give TWO uses of a Straight Through Cable. [2 marks]

c) The screen shot below shows output with the host's IP Address information. Explain the meaning of the three addresses. [6 marks]

Ethernet Adapter Local Area Connection:
Connection-specifi DNS Suffix:
IP Address.....:
Subnet Mask.....:
Default Gateway.....:

d) Network administrators should plan and document the allocation of these addresses inside the networks. Explain why this is important. [4 marks]

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