Dit 306: Structured Cabling Question Paper
Dit 306: Structured Cabling
Course:Diploma In Information Technology
Institution: Kca University question papers
Exam Year:2012
1. Answer any THREE Questions.
2. Time allowed is 1hr 30mins.
Question One
You have been tasked with the responsibility to build a network of 18 computers and one network printer.
a) Discuss FIVE structured cabling tools you would use to come up with the network. [10 marks]
b) Give two types of network media of your choice that you would use to suit your work in (a) above. [4 marks]
c) Highlight all the necessary basic steps and procedures you will undertake in your cable termination. [6 marks]
Question Two
a) Give two definitions of structured cabling. [2 marks]
b) State and explain FOUR achievements of structured cabling in computing. [8 marks]
c) Highlight THREE differences underlying between CAT 5e and Coaxial cables. [6 marks]
d) Give the main differences between signal attenuation and crosstalk. [4 marks]
Question Three
a) Twisted pair cables are of two main types; by aid of a diagram describe each of the two basic types and their structures. [6 marks]
b) What do you understand by the terms THROUGHPUT & BANDWIDTH? [4 marks]
c) Explain the function of a TELECOMMUNICATION CLOSETS. [4 marks]
d) Give THREE main advantages of Fiber Cable as preferred in structured cabling. [6 marks]
Question Four
a) What are the two types of fiber media available in structured cabling? [2 marks]
b) With the aid of a diagram give the characteristics of the two fiber media you have described above. [6 marks]
c) Clearly illustrate the color code arrangements for both ends 568A & 568B in CROSSOVER and STRAIGHT THROUGH cable termination. [6 marks]
d) Structured cabling operates under standards and rules that ensures compliance and security in data, video and voice transmission. Discuss any of the THREE important rules observed and significance of each. [6 marks]
Question Five
a) With the intention of developing a uniform wiring system that would support multi-vendor products and environments, cabling standards were enacted.
Discuss any FOUR negative effects of pre-1990 cabling systems standards. [8 marks]
b) Give the FOUR main differences between backbone cabling and horizontal cabling. [8 marks]
c) Highlight TWO main considerations why wireless would be preferred over guided media. [4 marks]
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