Dit 406: Human Computer Interaction Question Paper

Dit 406: Human Computer Interaction 

Course:Diploma In Information Technology

Institution: Kca University question papers

Exam Year:2012

1. Answer any THREE Questions.
2. Time allowed is 1 hr 30mins.

Question One
a) The human eye has a number of limitations. Give three examples. [3 marks]

b) For one of the limitations identified above, describe how this should be taken into account in the design of a visual interface. [6 marks]

c) There are three types of human memory. List them. [3 marks]

d) Describe what is thought to happen when people forget things. [2 marks]

e) What is meant by chunking? [2 marks]

f) How does chunking affect GUI design? [4 marks]

Question Two
a) Give TWO examples of how 3G system capabilities are different from 2 or 2.5G systems. [4 marks]

b) For one of these, discuss how it will impact the development of a mobile application of your choice. [16 marks]

Question Three
a) What is meant by user-centred design? [2 marks]

b) How does evaluation fit into a user-centred design lifecycle? [3 marks]

c) What is the aim of evaluation? Who should use evaluation? [3 marks]

d) Describe two techniques for evaluation, highlighting their key points and the differences between them. [12 marks]

Question Four
a) Why is web page design different to designing for printed media? [6 marks]

b) What are design guidelines. [2 marks]

c) Nielsen produced some design guidelines for web sites. What were three issues he covered. [4 marks]

d) What is meant by accessibility? [2 marks]

e) Give three examples of how web sites can aid accessibility. [6 marks]

Question Five
a) What is haptic human computer interaction? [4 marks]

b) What is mood congruence in a computer game? [4 marks]

c) What are usability heuristics? [3 marks]

d) Briefly explain why 'think aloud' techniques can be a cost effective tool for formative evaluation. [3 marks]

e) Name two differences between short term and long term memory. [2 marks]

f) Why is functional ageing important for the design of interactive systems? [2 marks]

g) What are the benefits of observational rather than lab based evaluations? [2 marks]

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