Kcse 2000 History And Government Paper 1 Question Paper

Kcse 2000 History And Government Paper 1 

Course:History And Government

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2000

SECTION A (25 Marks)
Answer all the questions in this section in the answer booklet provided
1. State two ways in which the Akamba interacted with the Agikuyu in the precolonial
period (2 mks)
2. Give two economic reasons why the cushites migrated from their original
homeland into Kenya (2 mks)
3. Identify the main reason why the Mijikenda lived in the kaya (1 mk)
4. State two main factors which enabled traders from Arabia to come to the Kenyan
coast before 1500 (2 mks)
5. Give the main reason why most of the early urban centers along the Kenyan coast
were built on islands. (1 mk)
6. State two reasons why the Portuguese were able to conquer the coastal settlements
by 1500. (2 mks)
7. State two ways in which the introduction of Christianity undermined African
culture in Kenya. (2 mks)
8. Identify two methods which long distance traders used to acquire slaves during
the nineteenth century. (2 mks)
9. Identify one method which was used by the colonial administration to attract
European settlers to Kenya. (1 mk)
10. State one feature of the political Associations that were formed in Kenya between
1920 and 1939. (1 mk)
11. Give two ways through which the colonial government controlled the migration
of Africans to urban centers. (2 mks)
12. State two objectives of education offered by the missionaries in Kenya during the
colonial period. ( 2 mks)
13. Identify one problem which independent schools faced during the colonial period.
(1 mk)
14. State one way in which the Kenya constitution promotes national unity. (1 mk)
15. What main factor led to the split of the Forum for the Restoration of democracy
(FORD) party in 1992? (1 mk)
16. What is the main role of the Attorney General as an Ex- officio member of
parliament of Kenya? (1 mk)
17. Identify one main issue that is addressed in the national budget in Kenya. (1 mk)
Answer three questions from this section in the answer booklet provided
18. (a) Explain five results of the migration and settlement of the plains Nilotes
into Kenya. (10 mks)
(b) Describe the political organization of the Maasai during the pre- colonial
period. (5 mks)
19. (a) Describe the way of life of the people who lived in the coastal city states
by 1500. (7 mks)
(b) Explain four factors which led to the decline of the coastal settlements
between 1500 and 1700. (8 mks)
20. (a) Describe five results of the collaboration between Mumia of the Wanga

and the British? (5 mks)
(b) Explain five reasons why Britain was interested in establishing control
over Kenya during the European scramble for East Africa. (10 mks)
21. (a) What five roles did the Kenya African Union (KAU) play in promoting
nationalist struggle in Kenya between 1944 and 1953? (5 mks)
(b) Explain five constitutional changes which took place in Kenya between
1954 and 1963. (10 mks)
Answer tow questions from this section in the answers booklet provided
22. (a) What were the three features of the independence constitution of Kenya?
(3 mks)
(b) Explain six powers that the constitution of Kenya gives to the president.
(12 marks)
23. (a) Describe the process of electing the speaker of the National Assembly of
Kenya. (3 mks)
(b) Explain six reasons why parliament is an important institution in Kenya.
(12 mks)
24. (a) Describe three ways in which the judiciary ensures fairness in the
administration of justice in Kenya? (3 mks)
(b) Explain six factors that may undermine the administration of justice in
Kenya (12 mks)

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