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Borabu Masaba District Mock-English Paper 1 Question Paper

Borabu Masaba District Mock-English Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2012

NAME:……………………………………………………… INDEX NO:…………………………
SCHOOL:………………………………………………….. DATE:……………………………….


Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)


1. Write your name index number in the spaces provided.
2. Answer all questions in this paper
3. All answer must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper

1. Your school has gone for a provincial Drama Festivals in Siaya County. You attended the festivals for five days in which you undertook the following activities. Presenting a dance, a visit to LakeVictoria, touring the Kisumu Airport and you also went shopping.

Write a personal journal that you kept for the five days.

2. CLOZE TEST (10mks)
Fill in each blank space in the following passage with a suitable word.

Can you _______1_______ a basic standard two test? You may be schooled but you are not_____2_______ this, a woman’s baby is dying _____3______! Picture this, a woman’s baby is on the ______3______ a disease and a nearby poster On the ________4______ gives details on how to prevent or _____ 5______ it, yet _____6_____ cannot interpret it despite having attended primary school. This is part of a dilemma that a group of education researchers are out to ____7______: Weather Kenya’s ________8________can be read but cannot process information.¬¬¬¬¬________9_______Education researchers have designed a unique test ________10______ at reviewing Kenyans? Ability to read and write completely, despite, going through a rigorous school system.

3. ORAL SKILLS (30mks)
a) Read the oral narratives below and answer the questions that follow.
Once upon a time, a woman who was pregnant and about to give birth went to the bush to collect firewood. On went to the bush to collect firewood. On reaching the bush, she suddenly gave birth to a baby boy who was so deformed and ugly that she decided to exchange it for another baby. A normal – looking one she found abandoned and crying in a nearby thicket. She didn’t know that this baby was a spirit called Ekipie by the Turkana.
The woman returned home with the baby and since it was evening time, she had to milk the cows. So as usual, she took three gourds and filled them with milk from the numerous cows they owned. She put the milk containers in her hut where her eldest daughter was minding the new baby. Then she went out again to complete some of her other chores.
Later, when she returned to the hut where she had left the baby, she found to her dismay, that there was no milk at all. All the three guards were empty. Surprised, and shocked, she questioned her daughter about the milk and what had happened to it. The girl replied;
“The baby has drunk it all”.
“I cant belief such a tale. It’s ridiculous for you to say such a thing”, She scolded her daughter.
“Don’t tell lies. Admit you are just imagining things. Who drank the milk?”

The woman persistent in questioning her daughter in questioning her daughter who swore it was the baby.
Strange as it may sound to you, the same thing happened again the following day and a several consecutive days. The woman grew puzzled and confused. Her husband too began to complain about the non – availability of milk in the household. Now, the woman had no alternative but to tell him the truth.

i) What would you do to prepare your audience to listen to the above story? (2mks)

ii) What two things would indicate to you that the audience is following the story? (2mks)
iii) What two oral devices would you use in narrating this story?
iv) How would you perform the reply of the girl” The baby has drunk it all”
b) In the spaces provided pick from the list below any five words whose underlined of the word “gait”
Bad, Pray, Name, Bat, Mad
Began, ate date hard had
Take Sad Sang Serve
ii).......................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................................................
c) The underling indicates the stressed word in the sentences below briefly explain what each sentences means. (2mks)
i) The thief entered this house

ii) The thief entered this house
d) In the following paragraph, the writer has utilized one of the genres of oral literature to express his feeling about the subject. Answer the following question based on it.

The prince was their, idol
Through he was enjoying the peas.
He was bored and need parrying,
The regency took the queue
To enjoy from the generous air,
The kind sun of the kingdom.

Replace the underlined words with appropriate homophones to bring out the intended surface/ literal meaning. (3mks)
e) “ Your Bob owes our bob. If your Bob doesn’t give our Bob the bob owes our Bob, Our Bob will give your Bob a bob in the eye?
i) Identify the genre above (2mks)
ii) Give one characteristic feature of the genre above. (2mk)
f) Mrs. Jabali of Upendo High School asked her class to decide which of the set books in their syllabus they should perform for the rest of the school. Read the form Four champions discussion below and then answer the questions that follow.
Mrs Jabali: Rose, Would you lead the discussion?
Rose: Aha,Ok. The question is, What play should we pick for our class play?
Does anyone have suggestions? Mercy?
Mercy: I suggest we do an Enemy of the people.
Sharon: How about shreds of Tenderness?
Rose: No, I dislike Shreds of Tenderness Passionately.
Kaunda: I love the River Between.
Mercy: No way! That would make a stupid play! let’s do An Enemy of the people.
Rose: Sasha!
Sasha: I have never watched Shreds of Tenderness but .....................
Joy: It is a super barb play.
Rose: Joy, Please let Shasa finish then it is your turn.
Joys: Sorry
Sasha: Anyway, I have never seen a play on An Enemy of the People but I have watched a movie and I loved it.
Rose: Lilian
Lilian: I just wanted to say that I like think Shreds of Tenderness is really good play.
Rose: Naom?
Naom: I saw the Movie An Enemy of the people too, and I really liked it. I loved the part where Catherine storms the........
Rose: Excuse me, Naom, But we should talk about that after the discussion is over. Does anyone have any other suggestions? No? Ok.Mercy proposed An Enemy of the People, Sharon like Shreads of Tenderness and Kaunda wants the River Between. Has anybody seen or read all three? No? Ok. I suggest that we read them and then continue the discussion in a couple of days. Is that okay with everyone? Ok. The discussion is over.
i) In terms of effective communication identify five things some members of form four champions did wrong in the discussion. (5mks)
ii) Mention three aspects or etiquette displayed by some members during the discussion. (3mks)

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