Dit 305: Programming Methodology Question Paper
Dit 305: Programming Methodology
Course:Diploma In Information Technology
Institution: Kca University question papers
Exam Year:2012
1. Answer Any THREE Questions.
2. All Questions Carry EQUAL Marks.
3. Time Allowed is 1hr 30mins.
Question One
a) Briefly discuss the C language basic data types. [8 marks]
b) Define the following terms: [6 marks]
i. Variable
ii. Array
iii. Function
c) A program error can either be syntax, logic or semantic. Classify the errors below: [4 marks]
i. An indefinite loop
ii. Misspelling keywords
iii. Division by zero error
iv. Using an undeclared variable
d) Using 3.14 as PI value, demonstrate how you can create symbolic constants. [2 marks]
Question Two
a) Give reasons why the following identifier names are invalid: [4 marks]
i. 98mark
ii. First Name
iii. #total
iv. char
b) Write a pseudo code algorithm for a program to read the values of a, b and c and display the value of x where: [6marks]
x = a/b - c.
c) Using examples, explain:
i. The difference between a while loop and a do..while loop. [6 marks]
ii. Why the while loop is likely to be more appropriate compared to a do..while loop. [2 marks]
d) Explain the role of the mainfunction in a program. [2 marks]
Question Three
a) Define a pointer as used in programming and show how it is declared. [2 marks]
b) Consider the following program algorithm and write a C program from it. [8 marks]
* Declare int named x, pointer to an int named px
* Assigned the address of x to px
* Assign the value 50 to x indirectly (using the pointer px rather than x)
* Display the value of x indirectly (using the pointer px rather than x)
c) Write a C program that reads Total Marks achieved by a student from a set of exams, then prints 'proceed' if the value is greater than 49, otherwise it prints 'fail'. [6 marks]
d) List four relational operator symbols together with their names. [4 marks]
Question Four
a) Define a function called computesum that takes two float arguments, calculates and returns their sum. [6 marks]
(main () function not required)
b) Distinguish between: [4 marks]
i. Array and Struct
ii. Struct and Union
c) Write statements to:
i. Declare an array for 10 books' prices [2 marks]
ii. Read the 4th and 7th prices of the array declared in part c(i) using scanf() [4 marks]
iii. Print all the prices using a ''for'' loop. [4 marks]
Question Five
a) Define the following giving examples: [6 marks]
i. Preprocessor directive
ii. Symbolic constant
iii. Unary operator
b) What is the value of Y in the following expression? Explain the steps of finding your answer: [4 marks]
Y = 20 + 12/2 * 3 - 7%5
c) Given the following structure:
struct order
{ int orderno;
char item_name[10];
int qty;
i. Initialize an order variable named order1 with values (18,Mabati,20) [2 marks]
ii. Print the values on the screen [2 marks]
d) Distinguish between: [6 marks]
i. Source code and object code
ii. Function definition and function call
iii. User defined function and library function
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