Agriculture Paper 443/2 Question Paper

Agriculture Paper 443/2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2010



1 a). Differentiate between the following

(¡). Furrowing and flushing (2 mks)

(¡¡). Candling and kindling

2. Name FOUR parasites that may cause reduction in honey yield from top bar hive. (2 mks)

3. Give FOUR dangers signs indicating breeding problems in a Friesian. (2 mks)

4. Give FOUR precautions taken to increase the working efficiency of farm tools. (2 mks)

5 a). Which FOUR livestocks are attacked by tryponosomiasis disease? (2 mks)

(b). What organism causes Newcastle disease in livestock. (1 mk)

6. State FOUR signs of heat in a Heifer. (2 mks)

7. List FOUR examples of marking tools in a workshop. (2 mks)

8 a). In which system of breeding is a low grade female mated to pure bred sire. (1 mk)

(b). Give TWO classes of concentrate feedstuffs. (1 mk)

9 a). State one use of each of the following farm tools.

¡). Mason trowel (1/2 mk)

¡¡). A pair of tin snips (1/2 mk)

b). Which tool will be required for each of the following operations?

¡). Cutting wool from sheep (1/2 mk)

¡¡). Castrating piglets (1/2 mk)

10. Give TWO reasons why rabbits may disown their young ones. (2 mks)

11 a). State ONE important role of the hormone testosterone in the male livestock. (1/2 mk)

(b). State THREE important objectives of steaming up in livestock. (1 1/2 mks)

12. State FOUR factors that determine sitting of a farm structure. (2 mks)

13 a). State TWO disadvantages of serving Friesian heifers when they are less than 18 months old (1 mk)

b). List TWO factors that make it possible for a camel to survive in arid and semi-arid areas. (1 mk)

14 a). Give TWO methods that can be used to improve local breeds of livestock (1 mk)

b). Stat FOUR merits of using artificial insemination in livestock breeding (2 mks)

15. Explain why should pigs be first washed with warm soapy water before spraying acaricides? (1 mk)

16. Give TWO reasons why teaser rams are introduced to a flock of ewes some weeks before tupping. (2 mks)

17. State TWO reasons for supplementary feeding in bees. (1 mk)

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