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Bbam 360 Human Resource Management Question Paper

Bbam 360 Human Resource Management 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: Kisii University question papers

Exam Year:2009

Egerton University – kisii University College
First semester - examination
BBAM 360 Human resource management
70 marks

1 a) Firm A has commissioned a study aimed at finding out the factors that influence its recruitment activities. You are the human resource person tasked with such responsibility. Explain the contents of your study report (10 marks)

b) Discuss the entire concept of employee training needs assessment (10 marks)

c) “The employee process includes the second or follow-up interview.” Elaborate (5 marks)

2 a) after carefully considering the various methods of training, firm x prefers simulation. Elaborate (5 marks)

B) “a manager may get his/her employees to work by either holding out the promise of a reward or by instilling fear in them.” Discuss (10 marks)

C) Explain clearly, Fredrick Hertzberg’s two-factor theory of motivation. (10 marks)

3 a) in the recent past, the business firm you work for has been using the “forced-choice rating” technique to appraise the performance of its employees.
Explain, using appropriate examples, what techniques entails (10 marks)

b) “The performance, appraisal process does have its inherent weaknesses.” Discuss. (10 marks)

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