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Agbm 322: Marketing Management Question Paper

Agbm 322: Marketing Management 


Institution: Egerton University question papers

Exam Year:2011

Answer FOUR QUESTIONS. Q1 and Q2 are compulsory
1.(a)“The market isn’t what it used to be.” Discuss this statement and explain the implications for the practice of marketing management. ( 5 marks )
(b)What is meant by the term “total marketing environment”? ( 5 marks )
(c )In the light of I (b) above, what are the tasks performed by marketing management?
2.(a)(i)Compare the traditional and the modern view of marketing process. ( 5 marks)
(ii)What is the importance of a marketing plan. ( 5marks)
(b)Explain how you would measure the performance of a marketing plan. ( 5 marks)
(C)An organization which has been analyzing the market for its products feels that the information is not meeting its needs. Advise the organization on how it can improve quality of its marketing intelligence. ( 5 marks)
3.(a)Explain the consumer buying process ( 5 marks )
(b)What is the meaning and objective of Market segmentation? ( 5 marks )
0…a(c )Explain how you would arrive at an effective Segmentation of a market. ( 5 marks )
4. (a0 Explain the product Life Cycle and the appropriate marketing strategies at each stage. ( 5 marks )
(b) What is the strategic role of Pricing for a marketing organization. ( 5 marks )
(c ) How would you go about setting the price of a new product? ( 5 marks )
5. (a)Explain how a manufacturer can exercise channel power. ( 5 marks )
(b) In designing the marketing channel, the marketer must understand the service output levels desired by target customers. Explain the five service outputs produced by marketing channels. ( 5 marks )
(c ) How are channel conflicts resolved? ( 5 marks )

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