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Bureti District Joint Evaluation Test - 2012-Agriculture Pp1 Question Paper

Bureti District Joint Evaluation Test - 2012-Agriculture Pp1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2012

Name………………………………………………………. Index No…………………/…….
School……………………………………………………… Date ………………………….…
Candidate’s Signature………………………

Time: 2 Hours

Kenya Certificate of Secondary School (K.C.S.E)

Paper 1
Time: 2 Hours


- Write your name, School and index number in the spaces provided above.
- This paper consists of three sections A, B & C
- Answer ALL the questions in Section A and B and any Two questions from section C.
- Answers to ALL questions must be written in the spaces provided
- This paper consist of 26 questions

Answers ALL the questions in this section in the spaces provided.
1. Name four major branches of agriculture (2mks)
2. State two effects of low temperature on crop production (1mk)
3. Outline three factors that influence soil erosion (1½ mk)
4. State two methods of breaking seed dormancy (1mk)
5. (a) Name two types of capital (1mk)
(b) Name three sources of capital (1 ½ mks)
6. State two importance of tissue culture in crop production (1mk)
7. Give three reasons for carrying out soil testing (1 ½ mks)
8. Give two ways through which land can be acquired (1mk)

9. Explain the term changing the cycle in coffee growing (1mk)
10. Outline four problems which farmers encounter in marketing vegetables (2mks)
11. Differentiate thinning from pricking out as used in crop production (2mks)
12. (a) State two factors which influence the efficiency of pesticides (1mk)
(b) Why is finger millet rarely destroyed in the store (1mk)
13. List four books of accounts kept by a farmer (2mks)
14. For each of the following marketing functions state one importance (3 ½ mks)
(i) Packing
(ii) Processing
(iii) Storage
15. State two factors that determine the number of times a farmer would harrow his land (1mk)
16. Under what two conditions would you recommend irrigation (1mk)
17. Why are leguminous plants prefered for green manure (1mk)
18. State four importance of farm accounts (2mks)
19. What is labour peak period (1mk)
20. (a) Give one function of each of the following in the preparation of compost manure
(1 ½ mks)
(i) Top soil
(ii) Wood ash
............................................................................................................................................................. (iii) Manure
(b) What is the importance of the stick that is driven into the compost manure heap (Pit) during the preparation of compost manure (1mk)

Answer All the questions in this section in the spaces provided.
21. Below is an illustration of a method of frame formation in tea. Answer the questions that follow.

(a) Identify the above method (1mk)

(b) Describe the procedure followed in (a) above (4mks)
(c) Apart from the above method name one other method of frame formation (1mk)
22. The diagram below illustrates a vegetable. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow

(a) Identify the above crop labelled A. (1mk)
(b) Name two varieties of the above crop (2mks)
(c) Briefly explain why manure application is not recommended for the above crop (1mk)
(d) State two good qualities of crop A (2mks)

(a) Work out the marginal product and average product and fill in the table (6mks)

(b) (i) What is opportunity cost? (1mk)
(ii) A farmer has an option of growing either wheat or maize in his one hectare of land.Wheat gives a return of shs.20,000 while maize fetches Kshs.35,000 in the market.
If the farmer chooses to grow wheat what will be the opportunity cost? (1mk)

Answer any two questions from this section in the spaces provided.
24. Describe the raising of maize crop for grains production under the following sub headings
(a) Ecological requirements (5mks)
(b) Seedbed preparation (3mks)
(c) Planting (5mks)
(d) Field management (5mks)
(e) Harvesting (2mks)
25. (a) Explain the various ways by which a farmer can adjust to risks and uncertainties (8mks)
(b) The inventory of Jashi Farm as at 31st march 2011 was as follows:
Cash in hand sh.7,000
Layers 25,000
Dairy cattle 130,000
Cassava in store 5,000
Calves 19,000
Buildings 80,000
Land 180,000
Machinery 85,000
On the same day, the following information was obtained from the farmer’s records
Bank loan 210,000
Egg sale on credit 10,000
Milk sales on credit 15,000
Vegetable sales on credit 5,000
Farm input purchased on credit 20,000
Wages payable 6,200
Taxes payable 800
Interest payable 2,500
Prepare a balance sheet (12mks)
26. (a) State the characteristics of a fertile soil (5mks)
(b) Explain eight physical or structural methods of soil erosion control (12mks)
(c) State the problems association with the use of herbicides (3mks)



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