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Butere District Joint Evaluation – 2012-Agriculture Pp1 Question Paper

Butere District Joint Evaluation – 2012-Agriculture Pp1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2012

NAME:……………………………………………………… INDEX NO:…………………………
SCHOOL:………………………………………………….. DATE:……………………………….

JUNE / JULY - 2012

Kenya National Examination Council (K.C.S.E)

JUNE / JULY - 2012


- Write your name and index number in the spaces provided above
- This paper consists of three sections A, B & C
- Answer all the questions in the spaces provided

Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided
1. Give two reasons why agriculture is looked at as an artistic practice (2mks)
2. Name four species of trees and shrubs commonly used in agro-forestry (2mks)

3. Outline two disadvantages of communal land tenure system (lmk)

4. Differentiate between pricking out and hardening off in crop production (lmk)

5. Give three different types of soil water (1 ½ mks)

6. Explain the following terms (2mks)
(i) Elasticity of demand

(ii) Elasticity of supply

7. Highlight two factors that influence the stage at which crops are harvested (lmk)

8. Give two ways of utilizing napier grass as a forage crop (lmk)

9. Mention two methods of improving labour productivity on a farm (lmk)

10. State two ways the level of education and technology affect agricultural production in Kenya

11. Give two signs of crop infestation by root nodes namatodes ( lmk)

12. State one reason why farm yard manure should not be applied in a field of carrots ( ½ rnk)

13. Name two chemicals used in water treatment (lmk)

14. A farmer was advised to apply 210 kg of calcium of ammonium nitrate (CAN 21-0-0) per hectare. Calculate the amount of nitrogen required (2mks)

15. Give two factors that discourage shifting cultivation (lmk)

16. State four reasons why tissues culture is encouraged in crop production (2mks)

17. State four precautions taken when harvesting tea (2mks)

18. (a) State three reasons why farm budgeting is carried out ( 1½ mks)

(b) Define the term opportunity cost ( ½ mks)

19. (a) Name two categories of crops on the basis of photosynthetic light requirement (1mk)

(b) Give four climatic factors that are influential during the soil formation process (2mks)

20. State five harmful effects of weeds (2 ½ mks)

21. Outline three advantages of using certified seeds in crop production (1½ mks)

(Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided)
22. Study the diagram below and use it to answer the questions that follow

(i) State the method of vegetative propagation shown in B ( ½ mk)

(ii) State two factors that lead to the development of roots in plant B (2mks)

(iii) State one limitation of using the above method of propagation (1mk)

23. Identify the farm record below and answer the questions that follow.
DATE Disease and symptoms Animals affected Drug used Cost of treatment remarks

(a) Identify the farm record shown (1mk)

(b) State three different information that should be entered in the remarks column (3mks)

24. (a) Identify the fungal disease indicated above ( ½ )

(b) State the causal organism of the disease identified above (1mk)

(c) State two symptoms of the disease above (lmk)

(d) State one control measure for the disease in the control field (lmk)
25. The illustration below shows a four —heap system of making a compost manure. Study it and answer the question that follow.

(i) By use an arrow show how the decomposing materials should be transferred from one heap to another till the manure is applied in the field (1mk)

(ii) How long does the material take to be ready for application in the field as manure ( ½ mk)
(iii) Give one reason for turning the material in the heap regularly ( ½ mk)

(iv) Give one reason why it is necessary to sprinkle water on the heap ( ½ mk)

(v) Outline two characteristics of plants used for green manuring (1mk)

26. Below is a diagram of a narrow based terrace .Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow.

(i) Label part A and B (lmk)
(i) Name the practice carried to B immediately the terrace is constructed ( ½ mk)

(ii) State the maintenance practices carried to part A (1mk)

(iv) State two ways terraces conserve soil and water (1mk)

27. The diagram below shows an experiment set up using different soils type A,B and C. The observation is made after 24 hours

(a) State what the experiment was designed to study (1mk)

(b) Name the soil type labeled A,B and C (1 ½ mks)
(c) State three ways in which soil structure influences crop production (1 ½ mks)

Answer any two questions in this section in the spaces provided after question 30

28. (a) Describe grass pasture establishment using seeds starting from land preparation to time
ready for harvesting (10mks)
(b) Discuss five qualities of a good silage (5mks) (c) Briefly describe problems facing farmers when marketing agricultural products (5mks)
29. (a) Outline the factors necessary for proper functioning of co-orperatives (4mks)
(b) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of overhead irrigation (8mks) (c) Outline the safety measures in the use of chemicals to minimize environmental
Pollution (8mks)
30. (a) Describe the production of beans under the following sub-topics
(i) Planting (3mks)
(ii) Field management practices (5mks)
(iii) Post harvest practices (4mks)
(b) List various methods of harvesting water in the farm (5mks) (c) Explain how farmers adjust to risks and uncertainties in the farm (3mks)

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