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Butula District Form Four Joint Mid Year Examinations - 2012-Agric Pp1 Question Paper

Butula District Form Four Joint Mid Year Examinations - 2012-Agric Pp1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2012

Name………………………………………………………. Index No…………………/…….
School……………………………………………………… Date ………………………….…
Candidate’s Signature………………………

Time: 2 Hours

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
Time: 2 Hours

Answers ALL questions in the section in the spaces provided.

1. State any three farming practices that make Agriculture an art. (1½ mks)

2. Differentiate between rainfall total and rainfall intensity. (1mk)
3. State two roles of good soil aeration in crop growth . (1mk)
4. Give one method used to raise soil PH. (1mk)
5. Give three properties of a well decomposed organic manure. (1½ mks)
6. List four examples of maize diseases. ( 2mks)
7. Outline three reasons for root pruning in Agroforestry seedlings. (1½ mks)
8. State three advantages of raising coffee seedlings in polythene sleeves. (1½ mks)
9. Give four agencies that are involved in the marketing of agricultural commodities. (2mks)

10. Give two advantages of pasture that consists of grass legume mixture. (1mk)
11. State four objectives of crop research in Kenya. (2mks)
12. State any four factors that determine the spacing of a crop . (2mks)
13. State four advantage of overhead irrigation. (2mks)
14. State two mechanical methods of controlling weeds. (1mk)
15. Name two categories of tomato varieties grown in Kenya. (1mk)
16. Explain two advantages of biological control pests in crops. (1mk)
17. Name two physical measures that can be used conserve water on farm land. (1mk)
18. State four ways in which growing crops adapt to water shortage. (2mks)
19. a) Define the term elastic demand as used in economies . (2mks)
b) State four factors that affect elasticity of demand. (2mks)

Answer ALL questions in the spaces provided
20. The diagram below illustrates a physical method that is used to control soil erosion. Study it carefully and answer the question that follow.

a) Name the physical soil erosion control method illustrated by the diagram above. (1mk)
b) Name the part labelled D on the diagram . (1mk)
c) State four places where water from the structure named in ( a) above is discharged.(2mks)
21. The diagram below is an illustration of a field practice in crop production. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow.

a) Identify the practice illustrated in the above diagram. (1mk)
b) Give two reasons for carrying out the practice in(a) above . (2mks)
c) State a reason for carrying out each of the following practices in a tomato nursery:
i) Pricking – out. (1mk)
ii) hardening – off. (1mk)
22. The diagram below shows a kale seedling attacked by a pest.

a) Identify the pest. (1mk)
b) What damage does the pest cause to the crop? (1mk)
c) State one method of controlling the pest. (1mk)
d) Name two other insect pests other than the one identified in @ above that attack kale in the field. (2mks)
23. The diagram below represents a weed.

a) Identify the weed. (1mk)
b) Classify the weed according to its lifespan. (1mk)
c) State one harmful effect of the weed on livestock. (1mk)
24. The table below shows a hypothetical demand schedule for rice.

Price per kg ( ksh) Quantity ( kg) per month
5.00 20
10.00 15
15.00 11
20.00 8
25.00 5
30.00 3
35.00 2

Use the above data to draw a demand curve. (3mks)

Answer any two questions in the spaces provided after questions 27.
25. a) Describe six functions of sulphur in crops. (6mks)
b) Explain six advantages of pruning coffee plants. (6mks)
c) Describe eight principles that govern the operations of agricultural co-operatives.(8mks)
26. a) Explain five ways through which soil loses fertility. (5mks)
b) Explain five factors that determine the quality of farm yard manure. (5mks)
c) Describe the field production of sorghum under the following sub- headings.
i) Seebed preparation . (5mks)
ii) Planting. (5mks)
27. a) Describe five risks and uncertainty in farming. (5mks)
b) State five factors that encourage rooting of stem cuttings. (5mks)
c) Explain five instances when it is advisable use herbicides to control weeds. (5mks)
d) Outline five environmental factors that would determine the types of crop that a
farmer should grow in an area. (5mks)

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