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Manga District Joint Evaluation Exam– 2012-Agric Pp1 Question Paper

Manga District Joint Evaluation Exam– 2012-Agric Pp1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2012

Name………………………………………………………. Index No…………………/…….
School……………………………………………………… Date ………………………….…
Candidate’s Signature…………………………………….

Time: 2 Hours

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)

Time: 2 Hours

• Write your name and Index Number in the spaces provided above.
• Sign and write the date of examination in the space provided above
• This paper consists of THREE sections A, B and C.
• Answer ALL questions in sections A and B.
• Answer any two questions from section C.
• Answers should be written in the spaces provided.

SECTION A (30 mks)
1. List 4 areas in Agriculture which shows Agriculture in Science. (2 mks)
2. Give 4 biotic factors which influence Agriculture positively. (2 mks)
3. State 4 importance of organic farming (2 mks)
4. State 2 forms in which Nitrogen is absorbed by crops. (1 mk)
5. Define the following terms:
(i) Gross National Product (G N P) (1 mk)
(ii) National Income (N I) (1 mk)
6. State 4 ways of harvesting water in the farm. (2 mks)
7. Give 4 symptoms of potassium deficiency in crops. (2 mks)

8. State 4 advantages of land consolidation (2 mks)
9. List 4 sources of Agricultural credit to farmers. (2 mks)
10. Give 4 roles of additives in silage making. (2 mks)
11. Name the chemical used to achieve the following during water treatment.
(a) Coagulation of solid particles. (1 mk)
(b) Softening of water (1 mk)
(c) Killing pathogens (1 mk)
12. Name two methods of table formation in tea production. (1 mk)
13. State 4 reasons of cutting back in pyrethrum. (2 mks)

14. State one way in which inorganic mulch helps to conserve soil water. (1 mk)
15. Give the meaning of the following terms as used in crop production.
(a) Closed season (1 mk)
(b) Earthing – up (1 mk)

16. Give 4 financial documents kept in the farm. (2 mks)

SECTION B (20 mks)
17. Below is an illustration showing a Kale seedling attacked by a pest. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Identify the pest illustrated above. (1 mk)
(b) State how the pest causes damage to the crop. (1 mk)
(c) Give one method of controlling the pest illustrated above (1 mk)
18. The table below shows the relationship between the fertilizer used to produce the respective quantities of maize. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow
Fertilizer input in 50kg bags Maize output in 90kg bags Average product (A.P) Marginal product m.p

(a) Complete the table below by filling in the blank spaces. (4 mks)

(b) Suggest the best stage of production in relation to the fertilizer application. (1 mk)
19. (a) The illustration below shows a method of making compost manure. Study it and answer
the questions that follow:

N/B Arrow indicates direct of movement of materials.
(i) Identify the method of the method illustrated above. ( ½ mk)
(ii) After how long are the materials transferred. ( ½ mk)
(iii) State the importance of the following materials in a compost pit.
(A) Well decomposed manure (1 mk)
(B) Top soil (1 mk)
(C) Wood ash (1 mk)
20. Study the diagrams below and then answer the questions that follow.

(i) Identify the methods of propagation illustrated above.
A (1 mk)
B (1 mk)

(ii) Apart from the above mentioned methods, name other two methods use to achieve
the above process of layering (1 mk)
(iii) Give one reason why method B is preferred in some crops. (1 mk)
21. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow:

(i) Identify the above structure. (1 ½ mk)


(ii) Name the parts labeled A, B, C, and D. (2 mks)
A (½ mk)
B (½ mk)
C (½ mk)
D (½ mk)

(iii) Name the layer which is above the layer labeled D. labeled Q (½ mk)
Q ____________________________________________________
(iv) State 2 characteristics of the layer D. (1 mk)

SECTION C (40 mks)
22. (a) Outline the factors necessary for proper functioning of farmer’s co-operative societies in
Kenya. (5 mks) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….....
(b) Explain how farmers overcome risks and uncertainties in farming businesses. (7 mks)
(c) Describe the steps farmers should follow when planning a farm business. (10 mks)
26. (a) Explain the various farming practices which help to conserve soil in a farm. (10 mks)
(b) List various cultural methods of controlling weeds. (5 mks)
(c) Outline farming activities which may encourage soil erosion. (5 mks)
27. (a) Discuss maize production under the following sub-headings
(i) Ecological conditions (3 mks) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….....
(ii) Field preparation (3 mks)

(iii) Planting and field management. (4 mks) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….....
(iv) Pest and disease control (2 mks)
(v) Harvesting and marketing (2 mks)
(b) Discuss the various effects of weeds in the farm. (6 mks) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….....

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