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Loitokitok District Joint Evaluation Test - 2012-Agric Pp1 Question Paper

Loitokitok District Joint Evaluation Test - 2012-Agric Pp1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2012

Name………………………………………………………. Index No…………………/…….
School……………………………………………………… Date ………………………….…
Candidate’s Signature………………………

Time: 2 Hours

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)

Paper 1
Time: 2 Hours


- This paper consists of three sections A, B and C
- Answer ALL the questions in section A and B in the spaces provided
- In section C you are given three questions. Answer ANY two in the spaces provided.

Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.

1. State four factors considered when identifying a farming system in an area. (2mks)
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2. State four roles played by living organisms in the process of soil formation. (2mks)
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3. Name any two types of micro-catchments used in the soil conservation. (1mk)
4. Give four advantages of overhead irrigation in crop production. (2mks)
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5. List four benefits of draining a water-logged land. (2mks)
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6. Outline three factors considered when selecting materials for planting (1 ½ mk)
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7. A farmer wants to plant cabbages on his 2ha piece of land. Calculate the plant
Population per hectare if he used a spacing of 60cm by 60cm. (2mks)
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8. Give four reasons for proper crop storage. (2mks)
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9. (a) State four symptoms of rival disease attack in crops. (2mks)
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(b) Outline four cultural practices of disease control in crop production. (2mks)
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10. State three practices of agroforestry. (1 ½ mks)
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11. (a) Name two pests that attack sorghum. (1mk)
(b) Give one advantage of planting goose-necked variety of sorghum. (1mk)
(c) Outline four effects of early defoliation of forage (2mks)
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12. Give two instances when opportunity cost is zero. (1mk)
13. Name two books of accounts used in book-keeping. (1mk)
14. Outline four functions of agricultural co-operative societies. (2mks)
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15. Give two roles of household- firm relationship in the country is economic growth. (2mks)

Answer all questions in the spaces provided.
16. The table below gives information on the supply and demand of potatoes in a local market.
Price in bag in sh.1000 Quantity demanded (bags) Quantity supplied (bags)

(i) Using suitable scales and on the same axes draw and label supply and demand curves
using the data given in the table above. (3mks)

(ii) From the curves drawn what is the price per bag when 10 bags of potatoes were
supplied. (1mk)
(iii) How many bags of potatoes were supplied at equilibrium price. (1mk)
17. Study the following diagrams of soil structures carefully and answer the questions that

(a) Identify the soil structure above
(b) State two disadvantages of structure B in crop production. (2mks)
(c) State two ways in which soil structure influences crop production. (2mks)

18. Study the diagram below and answer questions that follow.

(i) What is the recommended distance between D and E. (1mk)
(ii) Give two examples of materials that can be used for part F. (1mk)

(iii) Give one condition under which sunken nursery beds are recommended. (1mk)
20. The diagram below illustrates some common pests in the farm.

(a) Identify the pests G and H above. (2mks)
(b) Outline two control measures of pest H above. (2mks)

(c) Name one disease of maize that can be transmitted by pest G above ( ½ mk)

Give two environmental adaptations of the weed labeled J above. (2mks)

Answer any Two questions from this section.

22. A farmer in Kombo division wishes to change from arable farming to dairy goat production.
In arable farming he has been spending shs.400 on weeding maize and ksh.200 on weeding
cabbages. He spends ksh.500 and ksh.300 on harvesting maize and cabbages respectively. He
buys the following inputs; DAP fertilizer at Ksh.1000, cabbage seeds for ksh.400, maize seeds
For ksh.600. Pesticides cost ksh.800. He also spends ksh.300 on shelling of maize.

The change in enterprise will have the following implications; He will buy 5 dairy goats at
ksh.2000 each; pay milkman shs.3000; control diseases at a cost of ksh.1500. Fencing of the farm
will be done at a cost of ksh.1500

The revenue he gets when growing maize is ksh10,000 and cabbages is ksh.4,000. In dairy goat
production, he will get Ksh20,000 from the sale of milk and ksh.1000 from sale of manure.

(a) Prepare a partial budget and advise the farmer whether the change is worthwhile
or not. (12mks)
(b) Describe eight activities involved in the marketing process. (8mks)
23. (a) Explain five factors considered in designing a crop rotational programme. (5mks)
(b) Outline seven advantages of land consolidation in land tenure reforms. (7mks)
(c) Describe the practices that a farmer should carry out to ensure uniform
germination of seeds. (4mks)
(d) Give four reasons why burning is not recommended as a method of land
cleaning (4mks)
24. (a) Describe maize production under the following sub-headings.
(i) Ecological Requirements (3mks)
(ii) Planting. (4mks)
(iii) Harvesting. (3mks)
(b) Give five reasons why organic matter is important in the soil. (5mks)
(c) Give five aspects that should be observed when pruning tea. (5mks)

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