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Bomet English Paper 2 Question Paper

Bomet English Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2007

(Comprehension, Literary Appreciation
and Grammar)

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)



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For Examiner’s Use Only
Question Maximum Score
1 20
2 25
3 20
4 15
Total score

This paper consists of 10 printed pages. Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing.
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.
From 1901 onwards to date, annual monetary awards have been made in five different fields to those persons who during the preceding year have conferred the greatest benefit on man-kind. The five fields are medicine or physiology, physics, chemistry, literature and peace. These awards are the Nobel prizes named after Nobel, a Swedish scientist and inventor who established them.
Alfred Bernhard Nobel was born in Stockholm in 1833, the son of a Swedish inventor. Today his name is chiefly remembered for the five Nobel prizes awarded annually. Not so well known is the fact that it was this man who first produced dynamite by mixing the highly effective explosive nitro-glycerine with a type of clay called Kieselguhr.
Nitro glycerine had been invented by Sobrero, an Italian chemist but it was so dangerous to handle that it was little used and banned in some countries. Dynamite on the other hand had the power of nitro-glycerine but this solid explosive was easier and safer to handle.
Dynamite proved to be a formidable weapon and Nobel was at one time referred to as “The Merchant of Death” and “The Dynamite King” because he accumulated a fabulous amount of wealth from the manufacture and sale of explosives and munitions which were used for purposes of destruction in times of war. But there is no contradicting the fact that dynamite has great value for peaceful purposes. It is widely used in mining, road building and other kinds of engineering work where blasting is involved.
In fact, Nobel was extremely keen to promote the cause of world peace but he did not hold out much hope for the idea of universal disarmament as a workable method of achieving this.
At one time he was of the opinion that if only weapons were powerful and fiendish enough, all nations would be afraid to become involved in war. But he sadly and reluctantly came to the conclusion that this was not true. He had, however, several other ideas to offer. One was to try to persuade governments to agree not to wage war for at least one year at the end of which time they might be talked into agreeing to another year’s delay, and so on. In that way peace might come about unnoticed.
His mind was also busy with many new ideas such as the production of artificial leather, silk and rubber from nitro-cellulose. The work of other inventors fired his imagination and he was always ready to help and encourage any inventor of promise. Although he went on making munitions, it was the fascination of solving the technical problems involved which was the driving factor in his work.
The cause of peace was however, never far from his thoughts. Shortly before his death in 1896 he noted with satisfaction the growth of the peace movement,
His will which showed his idealistic principles and provides his monument, stipulated that the major portion of his fortune was to be invested to form a fund the interest of which was to be distributed annually in the form of prizes to those who have during the preceding year conferred the greatest benefit on mankind.
The honour bestowed by a Nobel prize far outweighs the money received. Among the long list of eminent people who have been so honoured are-Ralph Bunche who was the first Negro to win the prize and who was successful in bringing about armistice agreements between Israel and the Arab states in 1949; Marie Curie who discovered radium; C.V. Raman who worked on the effect and scattering of light; Tagore who wrote the popular book of verses “Gitanjali” and Alexander Fleming whose discovery of pencillin increased the average length of human life.

(a) How has Nobel been portrayed as a skillful inventor? (2 marks)

(b) Give two major differences between a nitro- gycerine and dynamite. (2 marks)

(c) Explain any irony in the passage (2 marks)

(d) With illustration from the passage describe Nobel’s character. (2 marks)

(e) Change the following sentence to direct speech He noted with satisfaction the growth of the peace movement (2 marks)

(f) In not more than 35 words, write a summary on Nobel’s biography (6 marks)

(g) Explain the meaning of the following words (3 marks)

(i) Disarmament

(ii) Fabulous

(iii) Eminent

(h) Suggest a suitable title for the passage (1 mark)

2. Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

SHYLOCK: (Aside)
These be the Christian husbands I have a daughter
Would any of the stock of Barrabas
Had been her husband, rather than a Christian 295
(Aloud) We trifle time; I pray the pursue sentence.
PORTIA: A pound of that same merchant’s flesh is thine;
The court awards it and the law doth give it
SHYLOCK: Most right judge!
PORTIA: And you must cut this flesh from off his breast; 300
The law allows it, and the court awards it.
SHYLOCK: Most learned judge! A sentence Come prepare!

PORTIA: Tarry a little; there is something else
This bond doth give thee here no jot of blood;
The word words expressly are “a pound of flesh”; 305
Take then thy bond, take thee thy pound of flesh,
But in the cutting it, if thou doth shed
One drop of Christian blood, thy lands and goods
Are (by the laws of Venice) confiscate
Unto the state of Venice.
GRATIANO: O upright judge! 310
Mark, Jew – O learned judge!
SHYLOCK: Is that the law?
PORTIA: Thyself shalt see the act;
For as thou urgent justice be assured:
Thou shalt have justice more than thou desir’st.
GRATIANO: O learned judge! Mark , Jew , a learned judge!. 315
SHYLOCK: I take this offer then; pay the bond thrice,
And let the Christian go.
BASSANIO: Here is the money
The Jew shall have all justice; soft, no haste!
He shall have nothing but the penalty. 320

(a) In about 55 wards, write a summary of what happens in the passage. (8 marks)
(b) Write notes on what happens immediately after the extract (4 marks)
(c) Comment on any two aspects of style used in the extract (4 marks)

(d) Paraphrase the first four lines (3 marks)

(e) Contrast the characters of shylock and Portia (4 marks)

(f) And you must cut this flesh from off his breast; (Re write as an imperative statement. (1 mark)

(g) Identify one use of parenthesis in the passage. (1 mark)

3. Read the oral narrative below and answer the questions that follows.
A long time ago there was a man and his wife. They had a girl. This girl fell sick many times, she died. When she died, she was thrown away and a dove came and put her together again. The dove took the girl to a cave where she lived. But after a short while the girl said that she wanted to go back to her mother. The dove told the girl that she must stay in the cave, but still the girl went. Now when she went home, she fell sick again. She died and she was thrown away again. The dove came, put her together and took her way. But the girl went home again intending never to return to the cave. Now when the dove came to fetch her, she stood outside and sang:
Uu ai uuai! Give me my ornament give me back
Then I can go back home where the rain comes down
With ta,ta,ta.
The parents closed the door but they forgot to close the window and so the dove slipped in through the window and went straight where the girl was sleeping. She took away what she had given to the girl and the girl was all bones again. These bones were thrown away and as usual the dove found them and put them together. She took the girl to a very far place and they lived there forever.

(i) Give three narrative skills employed in the narrative. (3 marks)

(ii) You have been asked to carry out a field study to collect oral narratives in the neighbouring community.
(a) Give any two possible objectives for your study. (2 marks)

(b) Explain any four dramatic features you are likely to observe during the performance by your informant. (4 marks)
(c) Identify any two problems associated with such a study and suggest possible solutions. (2 marks)

(iii) Explain the character of the Dove (2 marks)
(iv) What does the dove symbolize? (1 mark)

(v) What is the significance of the following lines used in the passage? (4 marks)
(a) A long time ago

(b) And they lived there forever.

(vi) What moral lesson can we learn from this narrative? (2 marks)

4. Grammar (15 marks)
(a) Re- write the following sentences according to the instructions give. Don’t change the meaning (5 marks)
(i) John is the strongest man alive. ( re write using stronger)

(ii) Though the school had inadequate facilities, it did very well in the KCSE. (Begin: In spite……)

(iii) I am the best footballer this season. (Add a question tag)

(iv) They arrived from the long journey. They sat down to eat. ( Join into one sentence using a gerund)
(v) Korean women are very short; very few of them are above five feet tall. (Re-write as one sentence using the word ‘hardly’

(b) Choose the correct words from those in brackets to fill in the blanks (5 marks)
(i) The case has already been dealt wilt by ___________ (other two/ two other/another two) teachers.
(ii) You are most ________________ (welcome / welcomed/well come/) in our school.
(iii) Alice would be grateful if Anne ________________ (could / can/ might/ will) do her work when she is away.
(iv) _______________ (practice / practise) makes perfect.
(v) I have (never/not) ________________seen him today.

C (i) . Explain the difference in meaning between the following sentences (2 marks)
(a) Mary even learnt how to write.
(b) Even Mary learnt how to write.
…………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………

(ii) Replace the underlined words with appropriate phrasal verbs in the following sentences (2 marks)
(a) The tea factory produced a lot of quality products this year.

(b) I was excited when I accidentally met an old friend in town.

(iii) He said the chief is a naughty boy. (punctuate the sentence)

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