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Christian Religious Education  Question Paper

Christian Religious Education  

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010


1. (a). Outline EIGHT similarities in the announciation of three birth of John the Baptist and that of Jesus Christ. (8 mks)

(b). State SIX statements about Jesus that originated from Simeon prophetess Anna during presentation in the temple. (6 mks)

(c). State the significance of baptism of Jesus to Christians today. (6 mks)

2 (a). State EIGHT reasons why Jesus chose the twelve disciples. (8 mks)

(b). Describe the incident when Jesus healed the paralytic man. (Lk 5; 17 - 26) (6 mks)

(c). Identify SIX lessons Christians learn about Jesus from the miracle of healing. (6 mks)

3 (a). Outline EIGHT teachings of Jesus on prayer from (Lk 11 : 1 - 13) (8 mks)

(b). Give SIX teachings about the Kingdom of God from the parable of the yeast and the mustard seed. (6 mks)

(c). Write down SIX lessons Christians learn from the testimony of the repentant thief. (6 mks)

4 (a). Explain what the disciples told Jesus on the way to Emmaus. (Lk 24 : 12 - 33) (7 mks)

(b). What is the New Testament teaching about unity of believers. (8 mks)

(c). State SEVEN ways in which the power of the Holy spirit was manifested on the day of pentecost. (6 mks)

5 (a). Outline EIGHT Christian teachings on Human sexuality. (8 mks)

(b). State SEVEN factors which have led to use of alcohol in Kenya today. (7 mks)

(c). What factors have contributed to sexual immorality among the youth today. (5 mks)

6 (a). Explain SEVEN ways in which Christians can demonstrate responsible parenthood. (7 mks)

(b). Give FOUR reasons why Christians families are opposed to genetic engineering. (8 mks)

(c). What is the importance of having a stable family. (5 mks)

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