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Kwanza District Joint Evaluation Test – 2012-Cre Pp2 Question Paper

Kwanza District Joint Evaluation Test – 2012-Cre Pp2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2012

Name……………………………………………………………. Index No……………………………..
School…………………………………………………………… Candidate’s sign…………………….

Paper 2
July/August 2012
2 ½ Hours

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)

Paper 2
July/August 2012
2 ½ Hours


1. This paper consists of six questions.
2. Answer any Five questions in the answer sheets provided.
3. Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain as indicated and that no questions are missing.

1. a) State the message of Angel Gabriel to Zachariah during the annunciation of the birth of
John the Baptist. (8mks)
b) Give Five similarities between the annunciation of the birth of Jesus and John the Baptist (5mks)
c) How do Christians prepare for the coming of the messiah. (7mks)

2. a) State Seven teachings of John the Baptist about the messiah. (7mks)
b) Describe the call of the first disciple in Luke 5 : 1 – 11 (7mks)
c) Identity methods used by Jesus to spread the Good news. (6mks)

3. a) State the teaching of Jesus on eschatology. Luke 2 : 5 – 38. (8mks)
b) Outline Five evidence to the resurrection of Jesus. (5mks)
c) Explain the importance of the Lords Supper to the Christian today. (7mks)

4. a) Describe the unity of believers as a Bride. (7mks)
b) Identify the elements of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. (6mks)
c) Explain the causes of disunity in the church today. (7mks)

5. a) Explain Six Christian teaching on human sexuality. (6mks)
b) State reasons why Christians work. (7mks)
c) Explain cause of child labour in Kenya today. (7mks)

6. a) Explain Jesus teaching on wealth (7mks)
b) State Seven rights of employers. (7mks)
c) Outline ways in which leisure is misused in the society today. (6mks)

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