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Chemistry Form Two Question Paper

Chemistry Form Two 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2009


1. Explain why most laboratory apparatus are made of glass. (2 mks)

2. State THREE difficult between a luminous and non-luminous flames.

3. Explain what happens when unhydrous calcium chloride and unhydrous copper (¡¡) sulphate are exposed air for about two days. (2 mks)

4. Give the chemical name for rust. (1 mk)

5. Explain why nitric acid is not used in preparation of hydrogen gas in the laboratory. (2 mks)

6. ¡). Define the following terms:

a). Oxidation (1 mk)

b). Reduction (1 mk)

c). Reducing agent (1 mk)

d). Oxidation agent (1 mk)

¡¡). State two uses of hydrogen gas. (2 mks)

7. (¡). State the chemical test for presence of water. (1 mk)

(¡¡). Which test is used to show that water is pure. (1 mk)

8. Explain the following terms;

¡). Mass number (1 mk)

¡¡). Isotopes (2 mks)

9. Define the following terms ;

a). An ion (1 mk)

b). Oxidation number (1 mk)

c). Valency (1 mk)

d). Ionisation energy (2 mks)

10. Lead and copper atoms have a valency of 2. Write the formular of :

¡). Lead carbonate. (1/2 mk)

¡¡). Copper chloride. (1/2 mk)

11. An atom of element X has 15 protons and mass number of 31 in its nucleus while an atom of element Y has 17 and mass number of 35.

¡). What are the atomic number of these elements? (1 mk)

¡¡). How many electrons are in the outermost energy levels of these atoms? (1/2 mk)

¡¡¡). To which period does element Y belong? (1/2 mks)

12. Briefly explain the following observations ;

a). Alkali metals are generally more reactive than alkaline earth metals. (2 mks)

b). Potassium is more reactive than lithium. (2 mks)

c). The reaction between calcium and sulphuric (v¡) acids stop after some time. (2 mks)

13. (a). State two uses of alkaline earth metals. (2 mks)

b). Write equations for the following reactions:

¡). Burning magnesium in steam. (1 mk)

¡¡). Sodium with excess air. (1 mk)

¡¡¡). Calcium with dilute hydrochloric acid. (I mk)

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