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Form Three Biology Question Paper

Form Three Biology 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2011

1. (a). What are chromosomes? Where are they found in the cell? (2 mks)

b). What scientific name is given to :-

(¡). A cell that has half the full normal number of chromosome in an organism. (1 mk)

(¡¡). A cell with the full number of chromosome in an organism.

2. Name three sampling methods commonly used in ecological studies. (3 mks)

3. Define the following terms as used in biology. (3 mks)

(¡). Biosphere

(¡¡). Habitat

(¡¡¡). Population

4. Name any four abiotic factors that are likely to influence the plant and animal life. 2 mks)

5. Name two cell organelles present in plant cell only. (2 mks)

6. Give the reasons why the following precautions are necessary when making microscopic sections for viewing. (3 mks)

a). Staining

b). Cutting thin sections.

c). Keeping the section wet.

7. State two functions of cuticle in plant leaves. (3 mks)

8. Give three functions of blood. (3 mks)

9. (a) distinguish between a sexual and sexual reproduction. (2 mks)

b). State two importance of the following living things;

(¡) locomotion (2 m ks)

(¡¡). Gaseous exchange (2 mks)

10. State the functions of cell membrane. (2 mks)

11. Explain the following terms used in chemicals of life;

¡). Condensation.

¡¡). Hydrolysis.

12. (a). What are enzymes. (1 mk)

b). State their properties. (2 mks)

13. Explain what would happen to the red blood cells if they were placed in a concentrated salt solution. (2 mks)

14. Explain why the left ventricle has thick walls than the right. (2 mks)

15. State how the following structures in the skin regulate body temperature.

¡). Sweat glands (2 mks)

¡¡). Arterioles (2 mks)

16. Explain how sunken stomata lower the rate of transpiration. (2 mks)

17. What is meant by the term osmorefulation. (2 mks)

18. What is the advantage of having blood group AB. (2 mks)

19. Suggest two reasons why green plants are inclined in a fish pond. (2 mks)

20. Urine formation involves three main processes, name them. (2 mks)

21. Those mammals which can produce the most concentrated urine have the longest loop of hence. Comment. (2 mks)

22. A person was found to pass out large volumes of dilute urine frequently. Name the :-

a). Disease the person is suffering from (1 mk)

b). Hormone that was deficient. (1 mk)

23. What three characteristics are used to divide the arthropoda into classes. (3 mks)

24. List the differences between monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants. (4 mks)

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