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Biology Theory Question Paper

Biology Theory 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2012


1. State the functions of each of the following organelles.

a). Nucleolus (1 mk)

b). Golgi apparatus (2 mks)

2. (a). Which structures make Angiospermaphyta more efficient in transport of water and mineral salts than the Gymnospermaphyta. (1 mk)

b). How are the structures named in (a) above adapted to that function? (3 mks)

3. Differentiate between guttation and transpiration. (2 mks)

4. State the role of the following mineral salts in human body. (2 mks)

a). Iron

b). Calcium

5. The oxidation of a certain substrate is represented by the chemical equation shown below.

C57 H104 O6 + 80O2 57CO2 + Energy

a). Calculate the respiratory quotient (RQ) of the substrate. (2 mks)

b). Identify the substrate represented in equation above.

7. (a). Name the process in human beings that may lead to addition or loss of one or more chromosomes. (1 mk)

b). State two benefits of Polyploidy in plants to a farmer. (2 mks)

8. Explain how sunken stomata lower the rate of Transpiration. (2 mks)

9. Name the respiratory surfaces of the following organisms :

(¡). Spider (1 mk)

(¡¡). Mosquito larvae (1 mk)

(¡¡¡). Nile Perch (1 mk)

10. What are the limitations of the use of the quadrant method in estimating population? (3 mks)

11. What are the functions of the following hormones in the female reproduction?

a). Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)

b). Oxytocin

12. State two adaptations of a molar tooth to its function in mammals. (2 mks)

13. (a). Give a reason why glucose does not normally appear in urine even though it is filtered in the mammalian Bowman's capsule. (2 mks)

b). Name two hormones involved in salt-water balance in human body. (2 mks)

14. Explain how inhaling carbon (¡) oxide may lead to death. (2 mks)

15. Identify the specific vitamins responsible for the following functions in the human body.

a). Formation of red blood cell

b). Absorption of calcium and phosphorus

c). Nigh vision.

16. State two adaptations of the guard cell to its function. (2 mks)

17. (a). Differentiate between incomplete and complete metamorphosis. Give example in each case.

b). State two functions of Ecdysone hormone. (2 mks)

18. Study the equation below and answer the questions that follow:

Sucrose--------------------- Glucose + A

a). Identify the product represented by A. (1 mk)

b). Name the region in the alimentary canal where this process occurs. (1 mk)

c). Name the enzyme responsible for the above react. (1 mk)

19. Give reasons why each of the following steps are carried out when preparing plant sectional to be observed under the microscope: (2 mks)

a). A drop of water is placed on the mounted tissue.

b). Very thin sections of the plant should be cut.

20. Explain two ways in which the tracheal in insect is adapted to perform its functions.

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