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Trans Nzoia West District English Paper 3 Answers Question Paper

Trans Nzoia West District English Paper 3 Answers 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2008

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
Composition based on the set-text
Q. "Justice must at all times be seen to be given."
Using illustrations from the play "Merchant of Venice," show how this
statement is reflected.
Hatred existed between Shylock and Antonio, because Shylock was a Jew -who practiced usury, (1) Antonio thus despised
him for this. This made him to hurl abuses at shylock and also run dlown his usury business. By lending out money without
charging interest(2) Antonio is also a Christian hence Shylock despised him for this too. Shylock gets a chance to hit back (3)
at Antonio when Antonio borrows money from him. He makes him to sign a bond stipulating that the money was not paid
back within three months then Shylock would cut a pound of flesh from Antonio, request to his heart(4) Antonio signs the
bond believing that his heavily-laden ships would be back way before the three months expired. (5).
This does not come to be as Antonio's ships get lost in the sea, thus he loses the bond and Shylock to ensure that justice is done
to him, immediately takes him to prison (l). He sees this as his opportunity to get justice for himself for all the wrongs that
Antonio had done to him (2). Thus the duke's pleas for mercy fall on deaf cars. Even the offer for money does not touch him
he will have nothing but the bond (3). This way, he will have ensured that justice is done for him.
The duke also had his hands tied as he cannot bend the lase to save Antonio. Thus though Antonio may have, been a good
man, at, the moment cannot be saved (4). In an attempt to ensure that justice is seen to be given, the duke seeks help from a Dr.
of law. However, Dr. Balthasar who represents Dr. Bellario also consents that Shylock deserves the bond (5). He further
asserts Hint the Law cannot be bent save Antonio as this would be used as a precedent, hence encouraging the breaking of the
laws, and in that way, then justice would not be given to the one who deserves (6).
In an attempt to ensure that justice is given to be who deserves it, Balthasar, let’s Shylock have the bond i.e. extract n
pound of flesh from Antonio. (7) However the bus has to this only by cutting a pound of flesh- not more or less and should
also not spill even a drop of blood, otherwise justice will not have been accorded to Antonio as the bond says only a pound of
flesh. (8). Shylock who had earlier refused to have a surgeon
standby so as to attend to Antonio least he bled to death, but turned down this suggestion as it had not been provided in the
bond, is now left speechless as he too feels a brunt of the law.(7) he quickly turns around and wants the offer for money.
However, it was now time to accord justice to Antonio and punish the
criminal, in this case Shylock(5). He is now accused of threatening the life of all Venian, the punishment fro which is that he
looses half of his property to the one who has........ while the other half goes back to the state. The offender is further punished
by his life being at the mercy of the duke.(10)
Antonio being a forthright wants justice to be accorded to the deserving person. This is why he is ready to face the
consequences of the bond when he is taken to joint by Shylock after the bond had been forfeited.(ll) he accepts his guilt and is
ready to die or it. In the final analysis we can say that Shylock is punished for all the bad things that the has done on the people
of Venice while Antonio is rewarded/accorded justice for the good that he was to the society. (12).
Introduction - Essential in giving the background to the question. Therefore should be clearly
developed (6marks)
Body - 12 mks - should endeavour to show how justice is dispensed to those who deserve it.
2mks - Award for good understanding of the question and the text.
The Optional Text
The Novel
Velma Pollard: Homestretch
With close reference to the relationship between the couples David - Edith and Charley- Myrtle, write an essay in which you
discuss the value of friendship.
Essay Based on the Optional Text: Homestretch by Velma Pollard.
With close reference to the relationship between the two couples, David- Edith and Charley- Myrtle, write an essay in
which you discuss the value of friendship.David and Edith return to Jamaica after 30 years in which they had lived and worked in England.David, sick and insecure, arrives on a wheel chair after suffering a stroke a few days before their departure from
His wife is also care worn due to the tedious life they had lived plus the extra responsibility of having to take care of
David after his affliction
Soon after their arrival in Jamaica, we witness a happy reunion with their childhood friends,
Charley and Myrtle.
Contrary to David's and Edith's case, Charley and Myrtle are a study in health and happiness.
Charley is described as being "...ramrod straight and smiling as he always did."
Myrtle's face does not have the creases as evident on Edith's brow.
As a couple, they are inseparable and synonymous with laughter and cheer.
David and Charley spend time together reliving their happy childhood past.
Charley is able to persuade David to do away with his low moods.
He also relieves him the anxiety caused by worry about how to clear his luggage arriving from England, in that his
son Pedro can take care of that.
Charley takes to heart the problems of his friend and organises for him to visit the Milk River Bath where he is
supposed to bath and get healed of the effects of the stroke.
A week after their arrival, Charley in the company of his wife, drives David and Edith to the spa.
To David, even the drive is recuperative as it fills him with overwhelming awe and peace to see the old country again
and the changes that have taken place.
With the encouragement of Charley and Myrtle, plus the support of Edith, David takes a bath in the spa and it is a
real healing experience,
Myrtle had had the prudence of carrying the food and refreshments that they needed during the trip.
The presence of Charley and Myrtle is a consolation to David and Edith.
Charley and Myrtle lend an ear to them as they recount their experience in England.
David explains that as far as black people are concerned, England was made for work.
They tell their friends how they worked very hard with little time for anything else.
How they had experienced racism, discrimination and exploitation at their work places.
David and Edith are now strengthened by being at home and amongst their close friends.
?As if to proclaim that home is best, Jamaica, in contrast to England, is a land of tranquillity and 'abundance.
To the examiner:
Award two mark for each relevant point. Max 8 points
Every points carry two marks. 8 x 2 = (16 marks)
Award as item of merit any quotation from the text.
Do not award marks for definition of friendship but remember to award marks for introduction and conclusion.
DRAMA Shreds of Tenderness by John Ruganda
Imagine that you are a refugee at a refugee camp, using information from John Ruganda’s play Shreds of Tenderness,
write a composition complaining about deplorable conditions at the camp.
Marking Scheme
Introduction ( 2 marks)

- State who a refugee is related it to a situation in Kenya today or reference to refugee situation.
Body ( 12 marks) (3 x 4)
- One’s dignity is lowered eg
- No sense of belonging
- Their presence is irritating
- Live in perpetual fear of losing their jobs if one had one or worse still he had none.
- One cannot do anything right
- Are degraded by the hosts
- No basic facilities such as water – bathing, drinking
- No shelter
- They are associated with hunger, deprivation and cheap labour.
- One has no freedom, cannot challenge the academic view of the host country.
- Regarded as alien or third rate non citizen e.g Makwerekwere.
- Insecure……..
- Haunted by policemen immigration officials.
( Expect 4 x 3 ___ marks ___ well illustrate __ point….)
Conclusion: ( 2 marks)
Any plausible conclusion …must have bearing to the question.
Language : 4 marks
They tone should be forceful…..
Ophonal set texts
a) Short story
Half a Day and other stories – Macmillan
With reference to a meeting in the Dark by Ngugi wa Thiong’o write a composition to show that John syters because
of his own faults.
John is :
Hypocritical / deceitful
- Pretends he is morally upright which moving with Wamuhu.
- Pretends to be indoors when he leaves the lantern lit yet he’s not in.
- He’s not honest with Wamuhu, he plans to go away secretly, also offers her money to get away unnoticed.
ii) Cowardly
- Fears his father, Rev. Carstone and the society.
- He hates himself for being girlish.
- He cannot bring himself to rebel against his father.
- Fears to be discovered as the cause of the pregnancy
iii) Timid
- He fears his father, he cannot seek his advice when in problem.
- He intentionally violently kills Wamuhu.
- He fears losing his government scholarship.
- Has nervous breakdown – kills Wamuhu.
iv) Insecure
- He feels insecure, that his work has come to an end thus destroys himself.
- Fears that his father would discover his dealings …cheats him he is in the house …when he is out.
- Fears Rev. Castone
- Fears losing his position in society that holds him in high esteem.
v) Insensitive
- Begins to judge Wamuhu after they are in trouble
- Thinks Wamuhu is the cause of the problem – The pregnancy.
- Feels Wamuhu is the hindrance to his dreams and ambitions
- Wants to buy off Wamuhu with money or sneak away unnoticed ..

- Has no feelings for Wamuhu, how she feels and what becomes of her when discovered pregnant.
- Introduce 2 marks
- Body any (4 x 3) wills illustrated points
- Conclusion 2marks
- Language 4 marks

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