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Trans Nzoia District History And Government Paper 2 Marking Scheme Question Paper

Trans Nzoia District History And Government Paper 2 Marking Scheme 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2007

311/ 2
1. Give two chemical dating methods used by archeologists to reconstruct history.(2mks)
Radio – Carbon dating
Potassium – argon
2. Give two limitation of using written records as a source of African history. (2mks)
- Some written records are inaccurate
- Some of the records are not readily available for easy reference.
- Written records are limited only to those who can read and write.
- Some records have inadequate information.
- Some records are written foreign languages hence difficult to interpret, translate
accurately and therefore not easy to be understood.
3. Name two urban centres which developed as a result of early agriculture in Mesopotamia
4. Identify one agricultural machine invented in Britain between 1701 and 1900 (1mk)
- The horse drawn drilling machine by Jethro Tull.
- The mechanical reaper by Patrick Bell.
- The mechanical thresher by Andrew Meikles.
- Tractors
- Combine harvester.
5. State one common feature in cell phones (1mk)
- Make / receive calls.
- Have personal phone book.
- Stores messages.
- Ability to send / Receive S.M.S.
6. Apart from wood, name two other early source of energy (2mks)
- Wind
- Water
7. Give two pull factors that facilitated European impenialisation in Africa (2mks)
- Last resources e.g. minerals ivory etc.
- Well developed trade / trade routes in the interior.
- Navigable rivers.
- Decentralized local communicates.

- Frequent wars / intercommunity wars.
8. Identify two roles of Asante here of the Asante empire (2mks)
- Head of government
- Religious leaders
- Supreme judge.
- Commander in chief of the armed forces.
9. State the contribution of religion in the Majimaji rebellion. (1mk)
It boosted people morale and gave them courage to fight the Germans.
10. Why was Northern Nigeria suitable ground for experimentation with indirect rule. (1mk)
The area had a well organized centralized systems of government.
11. Give two ways in which Kwame Nkrumah contributed to the liberation struggle in Africa
- Funded nationalists in other countries e.g. Ghana and Algeria.
- Supported other African Leaders threats from their faced political threats from their
former colonial master.
- Championed trade unionism in in Africa
- Attended pan- African congress 1945.
- Convened pan- African conference thet led to the formation ofO.A.U.
12. Give the main factor that brought the cold war to an formation of O.A.U.
Disintegration of the USSR.
13. Give two short comings of the treaty of Versailles . (2mks)
- It blamed Germany solely for the cause of the war causing resentment and bitterness
among the Germans.
- The interest of the colonial people were largely ignored by the world powers.
- Italy was given a raw deal in the peace settlement.
- USA refused to ratify the charter of the league of nations though she was behind it’s
14. Mention two benefits of international relations. (2mks)
- Enhance peace and security in the world.
- Promote understanding and unity.
- Encourage cultural exchange.
- Help in getting collectives solutions to world problems.
- promote economic growth through trade.
- Developing countries get financial and technical assistance.
15. Name the two houses of the British parliament. (2mks)
- The horse of commons.
- The horse of Lords.
16. a) Identify five factors that led to the development of early agriculture in Egypt.
- Water for irrigation from river Nile.
- Existence of fertile silt deposits and mud which provided fertile soil for crop farming.

- Egypt had a suitable warm climate for crop growing and ripening.
- Availability of indigenous crops.
- Political stability.
- High population created need for more food and provided farm labour.
- Use of shadow irrigation technology.
- Availability of slave labour made crop farming a success.
- The invention and use of implements which included wooden sticks ace, knives and
wooden hues enabled the farmer t increase their yields.
- The existence of writing in Egypt helped the Egyptians to keep accurate records of
seasons and volume of food.
b) Explain the effects of early agriculture in Egypt . (10mks)
- Led to rise of urban centres or towns in Egypt such as Memphi’s Akhetan Aswan and
Trebe’s along the Nile valley.
- Increased food production
- Growth in population as food supply increased and become regular.
- Led to emergence of government and related governing laws.
- Led to the discovery of arithmetic geometry, writing and calendar.
- It promoted trade among the Egyptians.
- It promoted social stratification or classes in the Egyptian society.
17 a) Identify the role played by the Tuaregs. (3mks)
- Guided trader across the desert
- Provided security to the traders
- Acted as interpreters between the Northern and southern traders.
- Supplied food and water to the traders.
- Protected and maintained the Oasis.
b) Explain the results of the trans-Saharan trade in West Africa (10mks)
- Towns like Gao,Jenne and Timbuktu rose and develop
- Spread of Islamic education in west Africa.
- Wealthy merchants emerged
- West Africans and North Africans intermarried.
- Increased warfare as traders searched for slaves.
- Introduction of Islamic valves like dressing and eating habits.
- Introduction of Arabic architecture
- Development of empires like Mali and Songhai.
- Depopulation due to slave trade.
- Opened West Africa to the outside Africa.
18. a) Name three leaders charged along side Nelson Mandela in the Rivonia trial of 1964
by apartheid regime in South Africa (3mks)
- Walter sisulu
- Andrew Mlangeri.
- Ahmed Kathiada.
- Govan Mbeki
- Derigoldbelf.
b) Explain the role played by Nelson Mandela in the struggle for South African
Liberation. (12mks)
- He was a founder member of ANC youth league (Umkhunto we sizwe) which used
violence to attain African liberation.
- He was one of the people behind the 1953 proclamation of the freedom charter.
- He was involved in defiance campaign e.g. boycotts. Protest against segregation laws.

- He represented the Africans who found themselves in the wrong side of the law (legal
- Mobilized African support and worked hard to unite Africans
- Visited parts of the world in a bid to acquire material support for liberation campaign
- Mandela suffered imprisonment and detention – was jailed for 27 years.
19. a) State three factors that led to the formation of the common wealth nations (3mks)
- To promote peace and understanding
- To promote development of poor member states.
- To help cooperate in matters of education, sport and economic development.
b) Explain six benefits of the common wealth nations to ite member states (12mks)
- Financial / technical assistance to poor assistance.
- Nations have enjoyed understanding and co-operation.
- Members have sent peace-keeping forces.
- Members have been given scholarship to boost education.
- Boosted trade among member states.
- States have enjoyed social cultural interaction through sports.
- Promoted democracy and good governance through parliamentary meetings.
- promoted a forum to share views
- Have supported youth programmes
- Helped in the development of legal systems.
20 a) State five causes of the second world war. (5mks)
- The rise of Hitlers and his determination to restore German’s lost glory.
- The great depression of the 1930’s economic protectionism which increased international
- The in ability of the league of nations to implement it’s resolutions and punish those who
violated them encouraged the aggressors to persue their ambitions.
- The unfavouarable conditions imposed on German by the treaty of Versailles humiliated
her and encouraged her to impose grudges against the allied powers
- The policy of appeasement practice by both Britain and France encouraged the dictators
to carry out their acts of aggression
- Establishment of alliances between major powers encourages aggression because of the
feeling of mutual support.
- Growth of nationalism made countries inward looking and therefore were not willing to
participate in the international issues.
- The rise of dictatorship in Europe in Hilter and Mussolini.
b) Explain five effects of the second world war . (10mks)
- The war led to destruction of life and property.
- Germany was defeated and dismembered by the victorious powers.
- The balance of power in Europe was changed with the emergence of USSR and USA as
new super power.
- Communists governments were established in many parts of Eastern Europe through the
influence of USSR.
- The war increased USA’s involvement I European affrairs.

- The war stimulated development of military technologies and industries.
- The war led to displacement of people who became refuges.
- European countries became more committed to the idea of maintaining peace in the
- The war left bitter feelings and mistrust among the fighting nations.
21. a) State three problems facing the united nations organizations. (3mks)
- Many countries disregard the U.N.O resolutions in favour of their sovereignty.
- It’s unable to stop aggressions and conflicts between individual countries when super
powers are involved.
- Lacks sufficient funds to carry out it’s work efficiently e.g. peace keeping.
- It lacks machinery to effect it’s decisions
- It’s dominated by the five permanent members who have vote powers.
- UNO members are also members of other organizations the interests of these
organizations are not in accord with those of the UNO.
b) Explain six ways which the united nations organization has tried to promote world
- Peaceful settlement of disputes – it encourages countries to seek peaceful solutions to
their disputes.
- Application of sanction to those countries that are seen to be a threat to world peace.
- Peace keeping operations in areas of conflicts.
- Promote international law by encouraging other countries to apply it to solve disputes.
- The UNO has promoted peace by encouraging disarmament through it’s disarmament
commission and other numerous specialized agencies.
- Creation of general awareness about world peace.
- Promotion of regional co-operation in different areas between different countries.
22. a) State the three types of elections in India (3mks)
- Presidential.
- Parliamentary.
- Regional government elections.
b) Describe how the government of India is organized. (12mks)
- India has a federal system of government.
- Power is shared between the state government and the union government.
- The union government consists of the presidency, the legislative and the judiciary.
- The president is elected for a term of five years and shares power with the prime
- There’s a prime minister who’s usually appointed from the leader of the political party
with the majority seats in parliament.
- The prime minister is the head of council of ministers and government.
- It has a bicameral legislative namely the council of states and the house of the people
- Each state is headed by the governor appointed by the president.
- Each state has it’s own constitution guiding internal affairs.
- The office of the president is largely ceremonial.
- The prime minister is answerer able to the union parliament which is made up of the
house of the people and council of state.
- There are union courts and state courts.

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