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Trans Nzoia District Geography Paper 1 Question Paper

Trans Nzoia District Geography Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2007

Name………………………………………………… Index No. …………………….
School ………………………………………………...
Time: 2:45 Minutes
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
_ This paper consists of two sections A and B
_ Answer all questions in section A
_ In section B answer question 6 and other two.
This paper consists of 4 printed pages.2
Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all pages are printed as indicated
and no questions are missing
1. (i) Give two reasons why the suns rays are strongest at the equator. ( 2 Marks )
ii) Outline two main effects of the elliptical shape of the earths orbit. ( 2 Marks
2. a) Identify the characteristics of tropical monsoon climate. ( 2 Marks )
b) Mention any two regions experiencing tropical monsoon climate.
3. Below is a cross section of a flood plain. (2marks)
a) Name the features marked X and Y ( 2 marks)
b) How is a flood plain formed. ( 3 Marks)
4. a) List three physical causes of earth quakes. ( 3 Marks )
b) Name any two types of seismic waves. ( 2 Marks )
c) State any two effects of earthquakes on the ocean floor. ( 2 Marks )
5. I) Define hydrolysis. ( 2 Marks )
ii) State three characteristics of a karst scenery. ( 3 Marks )
6. Study the map of NYAHURURU ( sheet 134/3) provided and answer the following questions.
a) i) Give the six figure grid reference for the other trigonometrical station on the south eastern
part of the area covered by the map. ( 1 Mark )
ii) What is the bearing of the cemetery from the wind pump at Grid Square 0801. ( 2 Marks )
iii) What is the approximate position of the quarry at Grid Square 9608 by latitude and
longitude. ( 2 marks)3
b) i) Citing evidence from the map describe three factors that influence the distribution of
settlement in the area. ( 6 Marks )
ii )Describe the relief area covered by the map. ( 4 Marks )
c) i) Using a vertical scale of I cm to represent 100m, draw a cross - section from easting 94 to
00 along Northing 10. (5 Marks )
ii) On the cross section mark and name
• River Iguameti
• District boundary
• Escarpment
d) Students from Legetet school Grid Square 1105 went for a field work at Nyahururu town.
i) Using evidences state two social services they observed. ( 2 marks)
ii) State two problems they may have encountered. ( 2 marks)
7 a) State two agents of denudation. ( 2 marks)
b) i Explain how the following factors affect the rate and character of weathering.
i) Nature of the rock ( 3 Marks )
ii) Plants and animals ( 3 Marks )
c) Explain three ways in which soil creep occurs. ( 6 Marks)
d) i) Define the term mass wasting. ( 1 Mark )
ii) Stale three factors that influence mass wasting. ( 3 Marks )
e) Your class plans to carry out a field study on mass wasting around your school.
i) State three reasons why you require to carry out a pre visit. ( 3 marks)
ii) List two secondary sources of data you are likely to use as you prepare for the field.
( 2 marks)
iii) State two methods you would use to collect data. ( 2 Marks )
8. a) i) What is a lake. ( 1 Mark )
ii) List three sources of lake water. ( 3 Marks )
b) Describe how lakes are formed through the following processes.
i) Lava flows ( 3 Marks )
ii) Faulting ( 3 Marks)
c i) State three characteristics of Rift valley lakes. ( 3 Marks )
ii) Explain four ways by which lakes influence human activities. ( 4 Marks )
d) You have carried out a field study on lake Victoria.
i) State any three objectives for the study. ( 3 Marks )
iii) State three reasons why it is important to ask for permission. ( 3 marks)4
iii)Formulate two hypotheses for the study. ( 2 Marks )
9. a) i) Differentiate between an ocean and a sea. ( 2 Marks )
ii. Give three sources of salt in the ocean water. ( 3 Marks )
b) State three factors that may influence the size of a wave. ( 3 Marks )
c) Give four conditions necessary for the formation of coral coasts. ( 4 Marks )
d) Explain four ways in which horizontal movement of ocean waters develop. ( 8 Marks )
e) Some students carried out a field study on the coastal features found along the coast of
Kenya. List three features formed as a result of coast emergency that they are likely to have
studied. ( 3 Marks )
f) State two methods the students may have used to record the data. ( 2 Marks )
10. a) Name two main hot deserts in Africa. (2 Marks)
b) State four factors that contribute to the development of hot deserts. ( 4 Marks )
c) State any three factors that enable wind to be an effective agent of erosion in hot deserts.
( 3 Marks )
d) Using diagrams explain how the following features are formed.
i) Yardangs ( 4 Marks
ii) Barchans dune. ( 4 Marks )
e) i) What physical problems are experienced by people who live in deserts. ( 3 Marks )
ii) Identify the measures that can be taken to control desertification. ( 5 Marks )

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