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Software Engineering Methodology Question Paper

Software Engineering Methodology 

Course:Bachelor Of Science Computer Science

Institution: University Of Nairobi question papers

Exam Year:2007

Answer Question 1 in Section A and ANY TWO Questions from SECTION B.


QUESTION 1: [20 Marks]
(a) Describe briefly the following software methodologies listing the main characteristics of each;
(i) Cleanroom
(ii) Extreme programming
(iii) SSADM [6 Marks]
(b) (i)Describe the following terms as used in software engineering methodology;
- Software process
- Software process model [2 Marks]
(ii)Compare and contrast the following models
- Data-flow model
- Object model [4 Marks]
(c) Explain how the following are used in Cleanroom methodology;
(i) Black box structure
(ii)State box [2 Marks]
(d) Consider the following equation;
How can a sequence of usage tests be generated using Cleanroom approach?
[3 Marks]
(e) (i) Define Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tool. [1 Mark]
(ii)How are CASE tools classified? [2 Marks]


QUESTION 2: [15 Marks]
The following is a description for student registration procedure at a local university;

The Registrar maintains list of courses being offered, Students register for courses, and many add or drop courses within the add/drop period. Professors can choose courses that they will offer. The billing system is invoked to take care of billing for the courses and maintaining accounts.

(a) Design Use case diagrams for:-
(i) Registration of courses [3 Marks]
(ii) Professors selecting courses [3 Marks]
(iii)Billing of courses and accounts maintenance [3 Marks]
(b) Design an Activity diagram for delete a course [6 Marks]

QUESTION 3: [15 Marks]
(a) Compare Craft Based software engineering and Cleanroom software engineering
[2 Marks]
(b) What are the different categories of Cleanroom processes and what are the key sub-processes in each category? [4 Marks]
(c) Design
(i) Black box [3 Marks]
(ii) State box [3 Marks]
(iii)Clear box [3 Marks]
For an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) that allows clients to perform the following functions;
- Deposit Cash
- Withdraw Cash
- Get statements
- Transfer Cash from one account to the other in same bank provided the two accounts belong to the same customer.
State any assumptions made

QUESTION 4: [15 Marks]
(a) Outline the major stages of the Dynamic System Development Methodology (DSDM) outlining the main activities of each stage. [5 Marks]
(b) In what ways does DSDM approach differ from Lean software development?
[3 Marks]
(c) An alternative approach to DSDM and Lean development is Test Driven Development, describe the characteristics of TDD. [4 Marks]
(d) The above approaches, DSDM, Lean and TDD are all part of Agile development, what is the manifesto of Agile development? [3 Marks]

QUESTION 5: [15 Marks]
You are requested to computerize the help desk at the headquarters of an organization with several branches countrywide. In your initial study you find that the members of the public and any employees from other branches must first report at the reception desk. They present their needs which are processed. Private needs are treated separate from official ones. Where a visitor needs someone at the headquarters, the person to be seen is called from the department. In case of other private needs, the visitor is directed to the department concerned.
To process an official enquiry, the employees of the organization from other branches must give their personnel numbers. Their details are then retrieved from the personnel file and they are directed to the department concerned. Any other official enquiry is directed to the department concerned.
(a) Design a Data Flow Diagram for the scenario above [5 Marks]
(b) Identify the Entities and construct an E-R diagram [5 marks]
(c) From your E-R diagram, construct Entity Life History for each of the entities
[5 Marks]

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