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C.R.E Paper 2 Question Paper

C.R.E Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2011


*This paper consist six questions.
*Answer any five questions from this paper in the answer booklet provided.

1.a) Outline four occasions when angels appeared in the book of St.Luke.(4 marks)
b) Give five teachings about God found in Mary's song the magnificant. (10 marks)
c)With reference to occasions when Jesus was taken to the temple,what can parent learn. (6 marks)
2.a) Describe the feeding of the 5000 men as narrated in the Luke 9:10-17 (7 marks)
b) Explain five lessons that a Christian can learn from the feeding of the 5000 men (5 marks)
c)Give four ways on how christians are helping the needy in Kenya (8 marks)
3.a) Describe what happened to Jesus from the time of his arrest to his death on the cross Luke 22:47-Luke 23:48 (8 marks)
b) Give five reasons why it was difficult to believe that Jesus had resurrected (5 marks)
c) Outline the importance of resurrection of Jesus to Christian today (7 marks)
4.a) Explain how the unity of believers is expressed by Paul in the symbolism of the church as the body of Christ 1 Cor. 12:12-27 (8 marks)
b)State five factors that qualify Christians as the people of God (5 marks)
c) How does the Holy Spirit manifests itself in the Church today? (7 marks)
5.a) Explain how Christians can contribute to the maintenance of law,order and justice (10 marks)
b) Give five reasons why rape is rampant in Kenya today (5 marks)
c)Identify five areas of conflict between the Church and state (5 marks)
6.a) Outline siy main causes of desertification in Kenya (6 marks)
b) Give six reasons why Christians condemn Euthanasia (6 marks)
c) Explain four reasons which will compel a doctor to assist one commit abortion (8 marks)

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