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History Paper 2 (Kuria East District) Question Paper

History Paper 2 (Kuria East District) 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2012


Answer ALL question in this section.
1.State two ways in which the invention of fire was important for early man in the Middle Paleolithic period. (2 marks)
2.Identify one area in South America where maize was first cultivated. (2 marks)
3.State one of writing that developed in Mesopotamia. (1 mark)
4.Give two reasons why African slaves were attractive to European Plantation owners.(1 marks)
5.State two limitations of fire and smoke signals as a form of communication. (2 marks)
6.In which way was steam used during the industrial revolution in Europe? (1 mark)
7.What was the main contribution of Dr. Christian Bernard in the of medicine. (1 mark)
8. Mention two factors leading to the growth of Johannesburg as an urban centre. (2 marks)
9.Who was the leader of the Royal Niger Company that administered west Africa? (1 mark)
10.Give two reasons why the United States of America joined the 1st World War on the Side of the Allies.(2 marks)
11.Name any two specialized agencies of the Commonwealth.
(2 marks)
12.Identify the political parties that performed a coalition government in the Demecratic Republic of Congo at its independence in 1960. (2 marks)
13.Mention two functions of the House of Lords in the UK. (2 marks)
14.Identify two distinct courts of the USA Judiciary. (2 marks)
15. Which organ of government elects the vice-president in India? (1 mark)

Answer any THREE Questions from this section.
16.(a)Identify five changes marking the Agrarian Revolution in Britain. (5 marks)
(b) Explain five effects of food shortages in Africa. (10 marks)
17.(a) Mention five factors influencing industrialization in Brazil. (5 marks)
(b) Explain five factors limiting industrialization process in India. (10 marks)
18.(a) Identify three routes used by Caravans in the Trans-Saharan Trade. (3 marks)
(b) Explain six problems faced by Trans-Saharan Traders. (12 marks)
19.(a) Give three reasons why Samori Toure's new capital Dabakala was not suitable for his war against the French. (3 marks)
(b)Explain six reasons why the resistance by Samori Toure took the French so long to suppress. (12 marks)

Answer any TWO Questions from this section.
20.(a) State five factors which led to the growth of nationalism in Mozambique. (5 marks)
(b) Explain five problems that Mozambican nationalists faced in their struggle against Portuguese colonialism. (10 marks)
21.(a) Identify three causes of Cold War. (3 marks)
(b) Explain six factors that led to the easing of Cold War. (12 marks)
22.(a) Name three financial institutions of the American Union. (3 marks)
(b) Explain six economic challenges facing Africa sicnce independence. (12 marks)

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