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Management Information System  Question Paper

Management Information System  


Institution: question papers

Exam Year:2013

1.Answer any five questions.
2.All questions carry equal marks.

1.a)Describe your college as a system. Draw a diagram of this system.
2.Discuss the merits of digital firm and its characteristics.(20marks)
3.Define the following terms as used in information system management.(20marks)
a)Valua_ added network
b)Vatual private network
c)Digital market
4.a) Discuss the reasons for implementations of policy.(10marks)
b) Discuss management problems that are raised by new Information Technology (IT)Infrastructure. (10marks)
5.Describe 5 key areas of an information system of implemation.(20marks)
6.a)Distinguish between formal and informal.(10marks)
b)Explain the following modes of data processing:
Batch processing and Time sharing
7.a)Explain reasons why an organisation may decide to outsource for information system services.(10marks)
b)Propose a netwok tapology to be adopted in a business organization with ten regional offices in Africa and justify it.(10marks)
8.a)Briefly ddescribe the impacts of internet on society.(10marks)
b)Explain any five breachses to information privacy.(10marks)

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