Software Development Question Paper

Software Development 

Course:Bachelor Of Computer Science

Institution: Masinde Muliro University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2009

DATE: 23rd April 2009 TIME: 9.00 a.m. – 12.00 noon

• Answer question ONE in section A and any TWO questions in section B
• Question ONE carry 30 marks and all other Questions carry 20 marks each
This Paper Consists of 5 Printed Pages.

Question One (30marks)
a) Explain THREE triggers for a system development project [6 marks]
b) Amanda works for international office equipment (IOE) which manufactures and supplies various items of high technology office equipment. An expanding area of their work is the maintenance of IT equipment. They have now started to undertake maintenance of equipment for which they were not original suppliers. They use a computer based batch processing for invoicing on a job-by-job basis. An organization might have to call IOE out several times to deal with different bits of equipment and there is need to be able to group the invoice details for work done into group accounts for which monthly statements will be produced. Amanda has been given her first project management role, the task of implementing this extension to the invoicing system.

i. Which of the three system options i.e. bespoke, of the shelf or COTs might Amanda
consider with regard to the IOE maintenance group account system? Explain your
reasoning [4 marks]
ii. What important stakeholders outside the IOE organization might be considered in the case of the IOE Maintenance Group Account System? Explain [2 marks]
c) Outline the EIGHT main stages of software development to be applied where an off-the-Shelf package is to be use [4 marks]
i Identify the THREE key players in a software development project and explain their role in the project [6 marks]
ii With the aid of a diagram explain the relationship of the THREE players with regard to
development of a new system. [6 marks]
e) Giving a reason for your answer categorize an operating system as an information or an embedded system [2 marks]

Question Two (20marks)
a) what is a software development process [2 marks]
b) Outline SEVEN main stages of the traditional software development SDLC in their proper order
[7 marks]
c) With the aid of a diagram explain the systems life cycle clearly showing the two key events between the stages [6 marks]
d) Rapid application development have become a popular route for accelerating system development
i. What is rapid application development [1 mark ]
ii. Outline FOUR basic ideas of RAD [4 marks]
Question Three (20marks)
a) Conceptually, requirements analysis includes THREE types of activities list and explain these activities [6 marks]
i.Comment on the appropriateness of the wording of each of the following
Requirements specifications for software developers with regard to testability
I. To implement a software that is reliable
II. While executing a search, the system must be able to display 500
Search results per page.
III. To design a system that is user friendly [3 marks]
ii. Rephrase the requirement specifications that are not properly phrased in question
(b) i. above ensuring that they are testable. [2 marks]
e) a) Brightmouth College is a higher education institution which used to be managed by a local government authority but has now become autonomous. Its payroll is still administered by the local authority and pay slips and other outputs are produced in the local authority’s computer centre. The authority now charges the college for this service. The college management is of the opinion that an off-the-shelf payroll package that would make payroll processing cheaper be obtained by 1st April of the year so that the college can do the processing themselves by then. They are however certified with the current scope and quality of services and would like the new system to maintain these standards.
i. Specify THREE requirements/objectives for the new system [3 marks]
ii. For each of the requirements specified in question 5 (a) i. above identify a measure
of effectiveness that could be used to check the success in achieving the objectives
intended. [3 marks]
iii. Identify any THREE internal stakeholders in this project stating their stake or
interest in the project [3 marks]

Question Four (20marks)
a) Today entire suits of automated tools have been developed to assist system developers. Outline FIVE benefits of using such tools in system development. [5 marks]
b) Identify and describe FOUR attributes exhibited by well engineered software [8 marks]
c) Consider a system that maintains a database of students who are present and those who are absent from a class. Assume that students are identified by a unique registration number
REGNO and the set {REGNO} is the set of all students registered in the class while {absent} and {present} represent the sets of all students who are absent or present respectively.
i With regard to the above system explain the meaning of the following expression
[4 marks]
I. {absent} U {present} = {REGNO}
II. {absent} n {present} = 0/
ii Write a Z schema model named register that will describes the state of the above system
[3 marks]

Question Five (20marks)
a) Many organizations contract out IT development to outside specialist developers
i. Explain why organizations might consider contracting out IT development a better option than building in house [2 marks]
ii. Explain the following types of contracts [6 marks]
I. Fixed price contract
II. Time and material contract
III. Fixed price per unit delivered contract
b) The table bellow shows a schedule of prices per function point use it to answer the question that follow
Function point Function design Implementation cost Total cost per FP
count in $Upto cost per FP in $ per FP in $
2000 242 725 967
2001-2500 255 764 1019
2501-3000 265 793 1058
3001-3500 274 820 1094
3501-4000 284 850 1134
A contract stipulates that a computer application is to be designed, constructed and delivered at a cost of $600 per FP. After acceptance testing, the customer asks for changes to some of the functions in the system amounting to 500 FPs and some new functions which amounts to 200 additional FPs. Using the table given calculate the additional charge [5 marks]
i. What is the capability maturity model? [2 marks]
ii. Describe the five levels of the capability maturity model [5 marks]

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