Kcse History And Government Paper 1 Question Paper

Kcse History And Government Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2008

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Examination
21/2 hours

SECTION A(25marks)
1. Give two unwritten sources of information on History and Government (2marks)
2. What was the main reason for the migration of the Eastern Bantu from Shungwaya during the precolonial period?
3. Give two reasons why Kenyan communities fought against each other during the pre-colonial period. (2marks)
4. Identify the two main items of trade from the interior of Kenya during the long distance trade.(2marks)
5. Identify two contributions made by the early christian missionaries in the field of education in Kenya?(2marks)
6. Give the meaning of the term 'national integration'(1mark).
7. What constitutional amendment made Kenya return to a multi-party state? (1mark)
8. Name the document which contains the rights of children in Kenya.(1mark)
9. Identify two economic benefits of the Kenya-Uganda railway during the colonial period.(2marks)

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